
  1. N

    Implementing startup wep Application

    Hi every one I am a full stack developer and also an employee in one of the gaming app company (Like Twitch, Discord), I want to build an app and start my own project (Like Discord). while I am an expert in Golang, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Linux in back-end and react.js, react native, Electron in...
  2. F

    Looking for best options supplying U.K. customers from Canada because of upcoming magazine feature

    Hi My name is andrew, My brand is being featured in a mag in the U.K. in 3 weeks and I want to be sure I can supply customers the most efficient way possible. Canada Post is about $10 to ship there, but can take up to 2-4 weeks. I have one stockist there but the duty to ship bulk order is a...
  3. M

    Software as a Service Statistics: Raising capital, Spend, and Other Numbers

    Retaining competitiveness in the SaaS market is about careful budgeting and funding. But how can you be sure that your SaaS funding and spend amounts are aligned with your peers? Let’s take a look at the core SaaS statistics and find out: Global SaaS market size & the number of SaaS companies...
  4. A

    Entrepreneurs- is this what it’s like to date you?

    Update: Thank you everyone SO SO much for your messages. I genuinely appreciate your effort and time in writing to my question. I have decided to end things because we are not a good match, whether he has another relationship (which is ABSOLUTELY not a type of partner I would ever entertain and...
  5. J

    Matt Brown and Johnathan discuss property investment

    Johnathan Kohler is the CEO of Landsdowne Properties, one of South Africa's largest property management companies. Johnathan reveals what it takes to build a monster of a business.
  6. T

    10 Tips To Not Suck At Writing

    Most solopreneurs suck at writing. That's a problem because the words you write serve three critical business functions: i. They allow people to discover you. Because if you do a good job, your content spreads. ii. They allow you to build deeper relationships with people. It's much easier to...
  7. T

    Starting a business for the job I already work at??

    The run down... I help manage a smoke shop, and (3) 7-elevens. You can consider the owner as "silent" so I'm doing a lot of work (love it) I have an almost 9 year relationship with the owner. I make roughly $75,000 before taxes as a single woman w no dependants. I live in WA STATE, I am taxed...
  8. E

    0 - 100 Subscribers in 6 days - Here's how I did it:

    Decided to launch a newsletter last week dedicated to a niche in sales. In the first 6 days, I reached 100 subscribers without using any paid ads or leveraging my personal network. Here’s the website Here’s how I did it: February 3rd (0-22 subscribers) - 6 comments on Reddit: One comment...
  9. B

    The best 32 resources in 2023 to grow your online hustle today

    I have bookmarked the best list of resources to help me with my money making journey. I will segment each one to make it easier to follow. I have selected the best 8 posts from Repurpose (the best social media marketing automation tool) & Beacon (the fastest way to grow your email marketing...
  10. R

    How do we update the U.S.'s clearly flawed democracy via a business venture? I have a proposal..

    Hi everyone. I'm 29, and I'm royally fed up with the current state of the United States' democracy. >>Nearly no effectiveness and accountability
  11. T

    ''How Do I Stand Out From My Competition?''

    Lately, I’ve been talking a lot about differentiation which has led to several DMs. Those messages showed me that I failed to properly explain a key part of differentiation. For a deep dive into the guts of separating yourself from the crowd read Mountain Of Carrots — How Companies Must...
  12. S

    What are industries with growth potential in 2023 and beyond?

    I’ve run my own SEO consulting business since 2011. Unfortunately there have been about 4.7 trillion “best ways to work from home” articles published in the last 2 years listing SEO as one of the more favorable ways to make money virtually, so between newbies, ad agencies, and others trying to...
  13. Y

    Startup Equity Pool

    Tips/recommendation on doing a startup equity allocation of 10,000,000 shares: 2.5 million common stock to Founder A 2.5 million common stock to Founder B 4 million preferred sharepool for future investors 1 million common stockpool for future employees/investors Par value 0.00001...
  14. I

    I Run My Own Small Staffing Agency And Want To Teach Others - AMA!

    I've just recently posted in r/sidehustle and r/Entrepreneur about how I launched a YouTube Channel to try and teach other's how to start their own Permanent Placement Staffing Agency. There was a lot of interest so I wanted to post it here so you can ask me anything about the remote staffing...
  15. T

    My 1st simplified startup note 🏭🗒️ on Eric Ries's talk on "Lean startup" at LSE is here .

    Almost a week ago , I created a form where people could sign up for my notes on podcasts and books related to entrepreneurship & entrepreneurs , which I called as "simplified startup notes" , because my main idea behind it was to simplify and decrease down the size of 1-hour long podcasts or 200...
  16. S

    What next? (FB ads)

    Hello. I've had what I'd call my first "successful" Facebook ads campaign. For reference, I'm selling self help course online. Until this moment I had spent over 800usd on Facebook ads without getting a single sale. Anyways, I've spent the past few months perfecting my funnel and reading...
  17. T

    Entrepreneurship as a Theory for Social Change (T.K. Coleman)

  18. Z

    Growing a B2B electrical equipment company (Details Below)

    Hi All, I have the opportunity of receiving equity in and working for a company that supplies a product for energy infrastructure projects (I'm being intentionally vague on what the product is). I would be in charge of increasing sales through marketing and sales (details below). The...
  19. C

    3000 People Joined Our Pre-Launch in just 72 Hours

    People always like something new. so Our team decided to create an Entrepreneur Chatbot. It took few months of hard work but Hard work always pays off. More then 3000 People joined the Pre-Launch of the Entrepreneur Chatbot in just 3 days of Pre-Launch. Here's the Proof: What we are bringing...
  20. T

    Taking over the world is a recipe for failure. Start tiny instead - Lessons from Airbnb Part 2

    Some lessons we should learn from Airbnb. TLDR: Lesson 1: It’s possible for you to make things better. Lesson 2: Solve your own tiny problem. Lesson 3: Validate quickly and double down when it works. Lesson 4: It’s easy to connect the dots ex-post-facto. Lesson 5: Finding product/market fit...