growth hacking

  1. I

    The Dracula Strategy: Generating leads on LinkedIn by leeching the network of influencers

    Hello guys, I'm a growth marketer and my expertise is content. I'm doing this strategy on LinkedIn recently and getting a lot of traffic to my blog. Even got some hot leads out of it with zero budget. It's a very short and potent 3-step strategy. Here I go. -- With Linkedin came new...
  2. O

    19 Incredibly Useful Websites You'll Wish You Knew Earlier

    19 Incredibly Useful Websites You'll Wish You Knew Earlier We tend to think of learning a new skill or "going back to school" as something you'd do when looking to change careers, or to upgrade within your current one. But lifelong learning has incredible benefits, both personal and...
  3. J

    How I made it to #7 on PH and got 623 Unique page visits, 279 downloads, and was featured on 2 large publications

    After about a month of planning, we launched WebCheck AI on Product Hunt! WebCheck AI is a chrome extension that gives you context on what you read online. Here are our STATS for the week of launch (we had no traffic before launch): Unique page visitors: 623Extension Installs...
  4. D

    7 Actionable Link-Building SEO Tips for eCommerce. From my personal experience with my first online store (not a blog post!)

    I think doing good off-page SEO for eCommerce is a lot like doing a good off-page SEO for any other type of website. It mostly comes down to being good at link building. I’m going to share with you some great tactics that worked pretty well for my first online store, and you can start applying...
  5. R

    The psychology of pricing: Beacuse you're leaving money on the table

    I started a newsletter about how founders and makers will price their products. A quick awareness about pricing. Increasing revenue by 26.5% with a tiny pricing change. Dive in straight away; ⤵ Which package would you choose in a pricing as below...
  6. D

    MVP Stage: Should I drive influencer marketing traffic to landing page or download app? (B2C Social app)

    Hi guys, So my friend and I have been working on an Events discovery/Social app—aiming to compete with BumbleBFF & Meetup. Target demographic: College kids & young adults looking for fun activities to do and/or wanting to grow their social circle. Some key features: Unique party system...
  7. S

    David Ogilvy's 19 Rules for Getting Clients

    Regard the hunt for new clients as a sport. David believed in getting dead serious about new business after he landed it. Until then — save yourself from dying of ulcers over lost clients. Approach the search for new clients with "light-hearted gusto". Play to win but enjoy the fun. Never work...
  8. T

    The History of NPS and its Variation by Industry

    Happy customers are one of the most important assets a business can have, and it’s no secret that we think using the Net Promoter System is a great way to ensure you have them. While deceptively simple, when used right it yields brilliant results. That’s why we’d like to take this opportunity...
  9. J

    How to make friends and mastermind with other internet marketers (crosspost from r/internetmarketing)

    Hey guys, I wanted to share tips on how I made friends and created masterminds with internet marketers (guys who sell ebooks and courses) like myself. But I expect my approach will hold true for any type of business (e.g. SEO) For a long time I left lonely building a business by myself. And...
  10. D

    Product is ready, need feedback and advice on how to grow

    A few weeks ago, a friend and I launched a new service providing an expired article scraper and bulk content service to bloggers, affiliate marketers and small businesses. My main promotion strategy so far, has been using a contact form auto submitter to send cold email to bloggers using the...
  11. R

    "You should stop spamming Facebook groups & threads." (All the learnings from my eCommerce experience)

    This is what I received in DMs & comments from my last post about "3 underrated eCommerce profit multipliers." I didn't feel bad or anything. Instead, I asked what they didn't like and what can I add so it'll be beneficial for eCommerce owners & marketers. So in the last post, I just mentioned...
  12. J

    Online Growth Conference

    Hey SaaS Growth Hackers!👋 KickA$$ SaaS Conference is up this Thursday and we’d love for you to join us! We hope that the admins will be ok with this post, since our only intent is to offer a great deal to the community. 👉🏼 On February 20th, we’ll be in a great company of 4 amazing speakers...
  13. S

    Introducing theDIYtrip: The AI-Based Trip Planning Tool That Will Revolutionize Your Travel Experience!

    Hey, fellow travelers and growth marketers! Are you tired of spending hours researching and planning your next trip? Look no further, because theDIYtrip has got you covered! I'm excited to announce the launch of our brand new version of theDIYtrip on Product Hunt - an AI-based trip planning...
  14. J

    10 facts about website heatmaps based on nearly 800 tests. Advice to marketers and business owners

    Hello, community! My name is Andrew, I’m a CEO at Plerdy - tools for Conversion rate optimization, UX, and SEO website improvements. While being an expert in CRO, I decided to write down some tips for you to help you optimize your website conversion rate. The first screen takes 80,3% of all...
  15. J

    Do you know why Product Hunt has 2 types of coming soon page? Which one is better ?

    Hi there, Growth Hacking community, I'm Morgan. I recently submitted my new side project on Product Hunt and generated a "coming soon" page. However, it didn't turn out the way I expected, so I had to adjust the GIF meant for the gallery. The problem is that when I submitted the GIF, the...
  16. J

    Which CRM is your company using right now?

    Hey all, I was doing a research on Sales CRM. I came across many (e.g. PipeDrive, Zoho, Freshwork etc). I know it is countless right now. However, I’d love to know: How many CRMs you’ve used so far? What should be a must have in a CRM? What’s current CRM you’re using right now? What do you...
  17. F

    Google Campaign URL Builder and URL Shortener Spreadsheet - FREE

    -Create fully tagged campaign URLs -Shorten the URLs using and TinyURL -Keep track of all campaign and short URLs created -Share your short links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest with a single click! -Track number of clicks on your short links Direct link to the spreadsheet...
  18. K

    B2B SaaS product-market fit

    Hello everybody, We have a B2B SaaS product for e-commerce and got a couple of customers for the first year. But since then we couldn’t increase our sales. We tried different approaches, but they didn’t help much. Such as: Google Ads SEO optimization Catalogs Increased sales department (max...
  19. H

    Am I on track to start our growth hacking?

    So we're building a video editing tool that lets users auto transcribe videos then use the actual text to edit videos. Our first line of code was 01.01 this year. By end of March we had the MVP done. By the same time we had 100 beta users signed up. This was two months of part time effort...
  20. V

    Growing gSweets 📈 – Oct. 18, 2020

    The top-level numbers Starting gSweets users: 45 Ending gSweets users: 59 Growth strategies used Outbound PersistIQ I continued using PersistIQ to reach out to a list of...