question / advice / discussion

  1. B

    From an SEO standpoint, what should we develop the website on -- WordPress, React or something else?

    From an SEO standpoint, what should I use to develop my agency website? We may have a client login in future, but for now, we just have lots of services pages, blogs, etc. We want our core web vital score to be the best. View Poll
  2. A

    More clicks and calls!

    This might look like a lecture. Following are some points about grabbing attention for your websites, apps, landing pages, ads and promotions with better headlines Many small business owners work with freelancers or small agencies to get their advertising and marketing work done. I have...
  3. S

    Should I Run Paid Ads for My App? — Help

    Hey everyone, I’m fairly new to development, having recently transitioned from a design background. I just launched an iOS app that enhances the appeal of textual content. I’ve received a lot of support since the launch, but the sales haven’t been as great as I'd hoped. I noticed a slight...
  4. S

    5 Tips to run a Truly Engaging Webinar

    Marketers often think speakers are the only owners of audience engagement. I'm afraid that's not right. Here are 5 tips for you as a host to increase audience engagement in a webinar. Remember, an engaged audience is likelier to buy from you than an unengaged one. Tip 1: Energize the waiting...
  5. B

    Is it better to have Shorts and long-form content on two different YouTube channels?

    What are your views on having a seperate channel for shorts v/s putting long form and shorts on a single channel?
  6. A

    How to consistently run a better Growth Process in your team (based on my experience mentored 40+ growth teams)

    Having mentored more than 40 different growth teams across industries over the last couple of years, I've decided to pen down a couple of things that I noticed can make a huge difference between the best growth teams and the rest. I plan to make a much larger playbook for growth teams going...
  7. S

    Twitter is planning to make creator subscriptions exclusive to paying Twitter Blue subscribers

    Twitter's creator subscriptions will allow users with 500 followers to monetize their Twitter account by offering exclusive content for paying subscribers. Creators can charge $2.99, $4.99, or $9.99 per month for access to their exclusive elements, with all revenue being passed on to creators...
  8. M

    Any success stories with G2 and review sites as growth channel for SaaS?

    I’m curious to hear about your experiences of listing and getting some reviews on G2, Capterra or similar. We just started out last week, and have 5 reviews so far. How/if it generated growth for your SaaS? At what amount of reviews did you see it generating leads? At what stage of your...
  9. C

    Six Pro Tips to Build An Awesome Sales Funnel

    1. Sterling Landing Page: The First Impression Landing pages are the first direct connection between your leads and your business. And, when the competition is stiff, the first impression is definitely the last impression, right? Target optimization and your promotional specifications must...
  10. S

    7 types of backlinks worth building

    Not all backlinks are created equal. Here are seven types you should prioritize building for better off-page SEO. Editorial links—the most valuable: When other sites cite you as a source. Apart from earning them organically, you can get these via HARO or connecting with journalists directly...
  11. C

    Did I price my LTD too high? $499 for every 5 users

    This is the before (1) and after (2) Before: After: Initially I thought we'll sell $499 plans (lifetime access) for every 5 users. So was aiming at teams of a few people, or more. CONTEXT: We've made an eSignature tool (DocuSign alternative) and we're planning to launch with an LTD for...
  12. P

    How much raise should I get ??

    I started with this startup around 11 months ago and I was on the growth team and i the first growth/marketing hire. Company had no sales team no marketing nothing just startup we grew the company 500% in less than a year today got like 25 full time employees and a huge team. I started convo of...
  13. G

    Opinion about aggregators like Betalist, Betapage a.o

    As a startup founder, I am completely disappointed with rubbish aggregator services like Betalist and others, which bring absolutely no benefit in terms of traffic or brand awareness, but even dare to demand money for their zero service. Have you ever had a positive experience with such...
  14. I

    Any growth hacks for growing YouTube subscribers or are we stuck slogging it out with time consuming white hat methods?

    For example, if I had 20 YouTube accounts with different IP addresses running on Jarvee that are watching all of the videos on our channels and clicking a like button, would that be enough to give them a push faster? I've noticed that F/UF doesn't seem to work at all when it comes to YouTube as...
  15. I

    How to get more app ratings on app store?

    Hey everyone, I've created a finance app (US stock market heat map app) on iOS around 1-2 months ago and the premium purchases were gaining some momentum until recently. I didn't know why it started to slow down, and was looking for a reason. So as far as I can tell, it might be related to my...
  16. K

    "X-prize" for Growth Hackers

    I'm planning to launch a kind of "X-prize" for our startup recruiting business - inviting growth hacking teams and individuals to pitch and prove lead generation tactics. Who has seen this kind of approach work well before? What would be an exciting prize to attract experts? Is this a good...
  17. S

    B2C App Free Trial Redemption Rate

    Does anybody have any good estimates/benchmarks on free trial conversion rates for apps? Right now we're at about a 4% rate which I think is quite low. However this article states that only 3.7% of users end up converting to a free trial. Lmk! We do require payment to redeem the trial.
  18. C

    Need help with SaaS Acquisition Strategy

    I am running Competitor Ads on Google and bringing traffic every month. How do I make this into a full fledged acquisition plan and convert this traffic into leads? I am thinking of the below strategy: Deanonymize visitors who didn't fill a form using Leadfeeder and qualify ICP. Re-target ICP...
  19. D

    When do you call something an experiment or not?

    I am a Digital Marketing Manager and introduced the growth hacking mindset in my team. Build, measure, learn (experiment driven WoW). All our experiments we log in Excel, but I am struggling about whether it’s an experiment or not. For example: - is raising your budget on a campaign an...
  20. S

    Best CRM for subscription based startup? Time and event-based trigger emails needed

    I’ll be launching my startup soon, in which all customers receive a free 7 day trial. Is there a CRM platform you recommend for a startup (ie: low cost) that has the ability to send time-based emails upon initial signup (ie: send email 6 days after signup) and emails based on actions (ie...