
  1. I

    Tax setup for a diregarded SMLLC owned by another disregarded SMLLC?

    Looking for guidance as I've scoured the internet and I can't find this answer. Thanks. I'm planning to form a holding company as a Single Member LLC. It will be 100% owned by a revokable trust. Let's call the holding company "HoldingLLC". It will be disregarded, and because the trust is a...
  2. 0

    Best strategies for Engaging Small Business Owners?

    Hi everyone! I’m building a tool aimed at helping small businesses, and I’d like to connect with small business owners directly for feedback. In your experience, what are the most effective and scalable channels or methods to engage with small business owners for a 30 min Zoom call? I’m open...
  3. B

    Software for tracking small business workflow?

    Do you track your workflow with a cloud-based service? If so, which one? Can you recommend software that would meet the needs I describe below? I started a very small food business, making fermented sauces and cured meats. I need to keep detailed logs for every step of producing a product. I've...
  4. M

    Didn't pay quarterly tax payments, what am I looking at penalty wise?

    H&R royally screwed me 2 years ago so I spent last tax season cleaning up that mess with an actually CPA. I ended up not paying quarterly tax payments since I was behind due to H&R screwing me over, but I did start a new LLC in Feb of 2022 that accounted for all my income in 2022. The other...
  5. A

    Should I join my family business?

    I’m, 20. A final year economics graduate. My family (of four) runs a retail store in a small town. The store makes decent money (in multiples of what I would be able to make if I go for a job in say consulting, after college). I intend to expand the retail business to nearby towns and cities...
  6. D

    S corp to C corp change - Anything I should know?

    Next year my S corp will be revoking its S corp election and will become a C corp. I have never run a C corp before. Are there any big differences I should be aware of other than the 21% corporate income tax rate?
  7. S

    MVP Advice Needed: Code/Nocode and which?, Web/mobile? etc. detailed needs inside :)

    Hi all! TL;DR / Intro: I'm a teacher in a certain field looking to create a gamified study app for my method which will include Spaced Repetition algorithms I designed. I have VERY basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS and I'm slow. My partner is a graphic designer and video editor. We have a low...
  8. E

    I am burnout. I dont know how should i tackle these problems?

    Firstly we are short of bakery or storekeeper. It's not that I don't want to hire bakery or storekeeper or logistics. There's just limited number of people available to hire. We don't have quota. We need locals to hire foreigners. Marketing is purely because inventory, is not getting done. I am...
  9. M

    Business funds w/ bad credit?

    Does anyone know of a way I can secure a loan or line of credit with new LLC/EIN and bad personal credit?
  10. C

    How I pushed 1.2 million in sales last November

    The most lucrative month in e-commerce starts in a couple of days. There is no greater time than now to double down on marketing. Hopefully, this post inspires you to try something new with your marketing this Q4. Before I get into the good parts of this post here's a quick disclaimer: - The...
  11. X

    [Question] Relational Contact Database. Azure or BigQuery?

    Hello! I'm looking to move off of google sheets onto something a bit more robust for my business' contact database. I would really appreciate any guidance on what data service might be the best fit for my needs: I've got about 12k rows currently, I don't anticipate going higher than 20k rows...
  12. C

    Evaluating Which is Best: S Corp vs C Corp vs Sole Proprietorship?

    Anyone have a good compare tool? I'm looking for a spreadsheet where I can put my info in so I can get a ballpark on pontential income structures. It's not my first tax rodeo, been 1099 for most of my life and am exploring "loan out" models. I would be the only employee of the business. I...
  13. F

    How to get more likes on instagram?

    I'm a small business and I try to follow other small businesses in the same category as mine in my area. I use a ton of hashtags that are popular with it. And.. nothing. it's kind of embarrassing. What do yall do? I have 619 followers and eveeytime I post j literally get no likes and it only...
  14. P

    Is solo 401(k) employer contributions a business expense for S Corp?

    Hi, I have an LLC without employees that is elected as an S Corp for tax. I have a solo 401(K) and makes both employee and employer contributions to it. Is the employer contribution part considered a business expense and tax deductible? Thank you!
  15. S

    Any Ice Cream Shop Owners out there?

    Hi Small Business gang, my name is Kat. I work at a local ice cream parlor, and I've been helping to make positive changes around the shop. One of which is our original 1950s ice cream cone display storage case. It's clean for the most part, but you can see its age. Considering it's what the...
  16. L

    YouTube/tiktok/IG/LinkedIn/Reddit/other: Which platform do you learn about growing your business by age?

    I’m in my mid-30s and I like going to YouTube to learn about different topics around starting a business or what tools to use for email, newsletters, social media. I know lots of Gen Z are using TikTok (I’m not on it). As a mid-30s person, I like details and DIY videos. What is your age and...
  17. H

    How do I grow my business REVENUE?

    More often than not, I get asked such questions and in my mind I keep saying that, "There's no cheat sheet fella! You just need to believe in TNE - Trial n Error" - this is applicable to startups or aspiring businesses - who are mainly scratching the surface of business growth for the initial 5...
  18. G

    Which font and logo looks better?

    Hey guys, I've a little company named Quirkz which is a gift shop with a personality. We aim to be fun, creative and not afraid to stand out. As it is the in the process of being made, we arer having some logo troubles as it is harder than it looks literlly and i was wondering if you could...