side project

  1. P

    I launched a trustless ponzi on r/cc 12 days ago and it doesn't show signs of stopping

    So I soft-launched an Arbitrum app on r/CryptoCurrency that lets users host or join trustless ponzi games. You "invest" ETH and earn up to 100% ROI that's being paid by subsequent "investor" deposits. The catch is that your funds are only released when you hit the 1-100% ROI threshold (set by...
  2. T

    I created MouseMenu: Windows Start Menu alternative

    I created a simple Windows app launcher called MouseMenu. I've had a major shift in my work routine over the past year, and it brought along a significant increase in opening various files and applications. Frustratingly, the Windows start menu falls short when it comes to pinning files. In...
  3. D

    Reddit Marketing: Get Users & Drive Traffic from Reddit

    This is not a side project, but I thought it could be helpful for many on-side builders to get people to use their product. We used Reddit over and over times to get very relevant users both from one-time launches here as well as commenting and providing value day by day. This is not a...
  4. K

    After 2 Years of Development, I’m Excited to Introduce Proweblook: A Comprehensive SaaS Tool for Reverse Phone Lookup

    Hey Reddit community, I’m thrilled to finally share a project I've dedicated the past two years to developing: It’s a powerful SaaS product designed to revolutionize reverse phone lookups. Here’s what makes it unique and why I’m so excited about it. Why Proweblook Stands Out...
  5. L

    ASL ⭤ English Translation w/ MediaPipe, PointNet, ThreeJS and Embeddings Hey! I'm Kevin Thomas, a Grade 11 student at Burnaby South Secondary School (also home to British Columbia School for the Deaf)! Over the last few months, I have been developing a tool that translates between American Sign Language...
  6. C

    I launched first SaaS an hour ago. This is how I've planned to do marketing

    I spent 7 months building a Real-time Google Analytics alternative called . While working on it, I kept bookmarking some important platforms and ways to market and distribute my SaaS. First of all, I managed to get a waitlist of 600 people in the meantime I built it using...
  7. E

    Looking for contributors for a desktop app

    This is a graph visualization app called graphed I started building last month(mostly to practice coding), and i was looking for some contributors, it's still very basic for now, but my goal is to make it a really usefull and complete tool. Here is the repo if anyone is interested...
  8. M

    How we made $100k in revenue building shopify apps

    Hello, Idris here!. This week I want to share a summarised version of my interview with Erikas Mališauskas, A UI/UX designer making 100k in revenue building shopify apps You can find the full case study here Q: Hello! Who are you and what product are you working on currently? I'm Erikas...
  9. L

    What would mechanical programming look like? Mechanical Tetris Hey guys, I've been working on this Clojure project for a while now, honestly I'm not even entirely sure what it is, a game? a game engine? a 3d editor? a...
  10. A

    I made a free course to help people grow any existing online business (SaaS & E-Comm)
  11. J

    Building in public: roast my meal planning app

    Hi all, I'm a PM moonlighting as a full stack developer (spent majority of time building express + node + TS backends, React apps, and love SwiftUI, Jetpack compose and backend in Go). For the past year I've been working on a meal planning app that doesn't suck, for me. I wanted an app where I...
  12. M

    I Created an website to watch any movie and tv show for free without ads (for brave browser)

    Hacked together a website over the weekend to watch any movie and tv show for free. LINK ps:if you know of any apis for Corn,hindi movies/shows,anime please share .
  13. T

    I dedicate 1 day a week to curating and sharing a week of recipes. (MRR $9 after 4 weeks of starting)

    One day, I wrote down what I eat in a week. Since I typically eat on a budget (spending around $5 a day) with decent healthier options, I figured someone out there would appreciate it. And no, I'm not talking about salads and superfoods all day, but just getting away from fast food options...
  14. M

    I built a website to browse classic video games on eBay

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a website called VGMarketplace that I built over the last couple months. I don't have any retro game shops in my area and really miss the fun of shopping in them. To try and recreate that experience, I built the site to browse games listed on eBay. The site...
  15. C

    Seeking feedback on my app - An AI to assist agencies with client project requirements

    The initial idea is to connect all of your client interactions i.e. emails, video calls and messages to the assistant and it will generate automated notes, summaries and followup points. This allows agencies who have multiple clients and projects going on at once to easily get back up to speed...
  16. B

    In 2 weeks I'm launching my website on NO BS methods of making money!

    If you're tired of all the garbage dropshipping, affiliate marketing, and MLM ads that are shoved in your face you're not alone! I'm creating a website dedicated to teaching you methods that will actually increase your income. To be notified on launch, enter your email in the form below. If...
  17. C

    3D body scanning app: create your 3D avatar, dress yourself, see yourself dance in AR, play as yourself in GTA V

    Hi everyone! I'm working on in3D project. With our app, anyone can create their realistic 3D avatar with just a phone camera spending no more than 30 seconds. Once scanned, users can animate their avatars, make funny videos in AR, try on cool digital looks and play as themselves in GTA V, Second...
  18. G

    I've created a free fitness app to guide and support your workouts 3 months ago, I made a big move: I left my day job to kickstart a project I've always dreamed of. Over my 8-year gym journey, I realized a distinct pattern: my discipline and performance peaked when working out with friends or coaches. When alone, it was way too easy to slide into a...
  19. J

    5 FREE Online Courses That Can Make You $10,000+ Monthly!

    I recently made this Medium article that lists 5 FREE online courses capable of helping you earn over $10,000 a month. The insights shared are valuable for anyone looking to boost their income online. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, freelancer, or just looking for ways to make extra...
  20. B

    This 15-year-old builder is balancing school and 2 SaaS ventures

    I took an interview of a 15yo school-going boy building 2 SaaS projects. His future is going to be insane if he keeps going. Here's the interview He's Mehdi Khoudali, a 15-year-old student from Casablanca, Morocco, who started his journey by hacking mobile phones at the age of 13. He has...