side project

  1. A

    Built a newsletter

    Hey guys, I am building a newsletter for individuals who want to learn more about personal finance (mainly focused on the U.K.). It would be great to get peoples feedback on it:
  2. R

    I'm building an audience by releasing 12 free AI apps in 2024. I've released 3 so far and gained 2,500 newsletter subscribers/700 followers on X

    Hey /r/sideproject I'm building an audience by releasing 12 free AI apps in 2024. I released two free tools in 2024 so far: RoastedWithAI (uses gpt-vision to roast your website/landing page) and PoliciesByAI (generate a Terms of Service/Privacy Policy for your website). RoastedWithAI roasted...
  3. T

    Survey for Small to Medium Business Owners/Managers: Help Shape the Future of Business Software

    Hello Reddit community! I'm working on developing a software solution tailored for the needs of small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). If you own or manage an SMB, I'd love to hear about your experiences with current software tools, challenges, and what you'd wish for in an ideal solution...
  4. M

    This week's micro-SaaS acquisition opportunities: AI split testing, study tools, course platforms..

    SaaS Watch is at 138 subs now, after 3 weeks. Still very MVP and searching for the right acquisition channel. Substack's recommendation engine is working really well, so I'm doubling down on that. I'm considering publishing from ConvertKit in addition to SS — that way, I can leverage Sparkloop...
  5. G

    How is contabo so cheap compared to vultr, hetzner etc?

    I had a 1hr+ outage of Vultr for a sideproject. While it’s not a big deal currently, for future SaaS projects I’m now thinking of trying other providers. Found contabo and their pricing felt like something is off. 4 vCPU 6GB RAM is $5.5/m ? For comparison this is atleast $40/m on other...
  6. M

    I mapped out the best restaurants in the world

    I love travel. I love food. Naturally I spent the last few weeks compiling a list of all the best restaurants in the world: A few advantages: All ratings in one spot (Michelin, 50 Best, James Beard, etc.) Granular filters (e.g. only show 4.9+ stars) Easy to discover...
  7. C

    Seeking Feedback + Partnership Opportunity for Developers

    I am a developer at SoundAuth. I am developing a product of passwordless login based on a very user-friendly and secure standard called Passkeys. Passkeys are being promoted by big companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple as a replacement for passwords. This is the demo link-
  8. 3

    Which features would you like to see in a vocab trainer?

    I’ve been developing a vocab trainer for the past 2 months. For those of you that use products similar to Quizlet etc, which features are especially important to you? One of my apps best selling points is probably the price, it’s 99ct for life instead of 7$/month like what Quizlet charges. I’d...
  9. G

    I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people I created this app and I expect it can help others like me, those with ADHD and those who’ve resolved to be better at reaching out to friends and family, and even customers, and...
  10. D

    Chess app for scanning chess notations and converting them into chess games

    Hey Guys, I have recently published an app on the App Store and Google Play Store for scanning score sheets of chess games. You can check out the app here:
  11. E

    I made a tool to visualize and interact with statistics from an A/B test result

    Statistics are not intuitive, so I decided to build a tool that would help visualize what everything means on a graph: I also added sliders to let you "play" with your data, see the impact of having more users or having a bigger difference in...
  12. K

    How to Create a Zero-Revenue Product in One Year

    If you're looking to create a failed product, here are some tips 🤣: Using the Coolest Tech. Unclear Requirements. Head-Down Product Development Marketing on Instinct. Working in Spare Time. Full story:
  13. H

    Day 7- Were there any pivots or changes made to the original concept based on validation? (Read the post for explanation)

    People who have started their business, this is for you. I have seen many posts about this, do you have a similar story? -What specific aspects of the original concept were validated or invalidated? -What kind of validation methods were used? (e.g., user interviews, market research, A/B...
  14. A

    Input/advice, what do with 9 functional PCs?

    I acquired 9 Dell OptiPlex 990 N-Series Core i3 PCs, I don’t really need them, but don’t want to throw them out either. I’m no computer scientist but I’m good with computers and networking. Anyone out there know of a cool project i can tinker with using this equipment? Pic
  15. S

    I'm building a gallery of free HTML/CSS landing pages for your next side project

    Hi guys, From my personal experience, it's very difficult to set up a killer landing page without technical skills or the possibility to hire a professional designer! A well-designed landing page can make a huge difference when it comes to present or validate a new product, so as a personal...
  16. M

    Seeking Feedback and Direction for Auth-N: Revolutionising Authentication Solutions!

    I'm thrilled to introduce Auth-N, a project I've been working on to revolutionise authentication solutions. While still in its initial stages, I'm eager to gather feedback and direction to ensure its success. The motivation behind Auth-N originated from a pressing need within my current company...
  17. B

    Launched a Typeform alternative and we hit $12k in revenue within 3 weeks of launch

    We launched and within 3 weeks, we hit $12,000 in revenue. It's a Typeform alternative that allows unlimited forms and unlimited responses (even on the free plan). The Pro tier is $29/month (or $399 one-time payment for lifetime access) and allows users to remove branding, have...
  18. J

    I'm 18 y/o indie developer and I Just Created Lil Artist: The Ultimate Educational Playground for Kids!

    At just 18 years old, I am excited to introduce Lil Artist, a unique and engaging app designed specifically for kids aged 2-7. Our primary goal is to make early childhood education both accessible and enjoyable. Lil Artist is more than just an app; it's an educational and fun learning platform...
  19. C

    I created an API to capture website screenshot

    The name is Webgrab, you can use API to capture any website's screenshot. Kinda like url to image/screenshot service. Right now, you can get an API key for free, or just try the online demo...
  20. S

    Backend of the spline wordpress plugin I am working on This is a followup from my last post where you can see the front end demo. In this demo you can see the backend of the plugin and some basic functionality it have The plugin is in very early stage and I need feedback on design and...