startup ideas

  1. D

    Since Chat GPT came in the picture recently do u think same can be invested in Business Ideas ?

    Is Chat Gpt really the future
  2. R

    On-demand tutor for students

    I'm in the process of bringing an idea to life that aims to transform the way students receive academic support, and I'd love to get your insights, feedback, and any suggestions you might have. The Concept: Imagine you're wrestling with a tough question on your assignment late at night, and...
  3. M

    Used Car Business Idea

    The used-car market is expanding by the day and mobile apps have a vital role to play in it. The mobile apps have been assisted well by the pandemic and the global shortage of computer chips. Moreover, as there are dedicated mobile applications for selling and buying cars online, it has become...
  4. P

    Need help with Football related event business idea!

    Please tell me if this business idea would work? I wish to screen important football matches in Pubs that are willing to let me (maybe they’ll charge me a fee). I will charge entry fee which includes a cover for F&B. I aim to hold trivia, drinking games, banter sessions b/w opposing supporters...
  5. I

    hovering helicopter business

    i'm gonna create a hovering helicopter business, due to the very very accurate globe model. I should be able to hover above the atmosphere let's say at 3000 feet and the Earth will spin below the helicopter and then in a couple hours= I'll be in a totally new location, I will call it global...
  6. T

    3 stages of tech startups: Idea, Validated and Established

    Here's a list of things that happen at various stages of tech startups, based on my own experience and invaluable feedback from my prior framework Reddit post (and @momplus3). 1. IDEA STAGE Status: Entrepreneur has an idea that needs to be validated. Next: Test hypotheses; achieve...
  7. F

    Resources for startups - Presentation Templates

    As many requested here is one presentation template collection I found Coupon: qzdu6cq gets you some discount too (I think around 70%)
  8. M

    How Should I Value My Startup for Angel Investors with These Results?

    Hello insightful folks,I am the founder of MarketOwl, a venture aimed at democratizing marketing for small businesses through AI (B2B SaaS but with B2C prices). A month post our launch, we've garnered over 120 registrations and have 5 paying customers, achieved without any formal marketing. The...
  9. D

    Automated Resume Builder

    I am working on putting together an app that uses AI and NLP to automatically put a resume together for you. As a user, you log in, fill out a questionnaire on your career goals/aspirations, what job you are applying for, and you list out your past work titles (e.g., Business Analyst...
  10. A

    How to sell my highly profitable e-commerce brand? Will you be interested?

    In the first year of running, we generated close to $100k USD in net revenue for that year, in our second year of running, we did $30k USD a month net revenue. We have all the data and analytics on our shopify page to verify. (We have a 400% profit margin before running ads and a 40% profit...
  11. L

    a multiplayer productivity app

    ive been working on this idea for a while! always thought that there was way too much supply of random productivity apps on the market that worked on "personal" progress, but never saw much (outside of Habitica) that utilised being able to team up / compete with other people for productivity...
  12. A

    Timestamp system using Geolocalization

    Hi Folks, I need your advice/comment on a small system I wrote few years ago. Here's a quick summary of the project: Problem Many companies requires that every employee have to provide a proof about how much time they spent at work. Usually a third-party companies provides a syetem using Type...
  13. S

    Problem: it’s incredibly a bad experience buying a house

    The process of paperwork, tracking things, threads of emails, especially if you’re doing a 1031 exchange and selling and buying a property at the same time. Does anyone else experience the same pains? Could an idea be born of this
  14. E

    I Have Been Reformed By Watching John C. Bogle and Sam Walton

    I have ideas that I'm willing to sell for small percentages of profit to save the consumer a buck or two, but as you know, starving, disabled artists can't really monetize their creativity and are often not made for organizing organizations. I've fleshed out the concept all across the internet...
  15. D

    Feedback + what type of website best suits this?

    I'm looking to start a b2b partnership service where businesses can post partnership opportunity ex: looking to work with f&b cafes to offer discount for customers in exchange for the f&b outlet featuring their products in store. The og business can then receive proposals from interested fnb...
  16. C

    Useful/Helpful Software/App/Site Project Ideas List 2017 v.01

    1 something that once you press start/begin for a 'process', works like this way. shows you a task/goal/item. after a custom-set, pre-set time has passed like 3 minutes, shows you another step/task/goal -- (each step/task/goal has a specific set time relative to the previous) continues until...
  17. S

    Looking for beta-testers/feedback

    Hey everyone, I'm the founder of Komiser (, an AI platform that identify potential cost savings on all major public cloud providers (AWS, GCP, OVH and soon Azure). The platform will inspect the client’s cloud infrastructure and breakdown the cost of used/unused cloud services...
  18. B

    Tear about my girlfriend’s potential business idea

    She recently became a qualified counsellor. She’s bloody good too, has been coaching others in her work for 2 years or so. Her idea... She wants to help youths/adolescents, and is not overly concerned with making bank, but does not want to be out of pocket. Now, largely, youths can not pay for...
  19. J

    Need Feedback

    I wanted to ask for anyone's advice, or feedback, on an upcoming project. I am building a software that allows any person to pick up their phone and be notified of 'chores,' such as tedious task requests, unique jobs, errands, assistance with daily chores that don't require specific skill or...
  20. T

    Feedback on my startup Idea

    Hey guys, i have been working over the past month on my startup idea, you can see the entire idea below, it would be really great if i could get some feedback on how you guys feel about the idea. Our Mission is to design a website and an app that will give students aspiring to study abroad a...