startup ideas

  1. M

    Pay to talk to people?

    Hey y'all, I've been thinking about developing an app where you can pay to talk to someone when you need to vent or share your thoughts. Instead of waiting for friends to be available when I'm lonely I could just pay someone on the internet 5$ for like 15-30min of their time. I tried using...
  2. M

    What do i do next?

    Hi! I recently started a residential cleaning business and I am not sure what to do next to get clients or grow. Below I will post what my cleaning business is all about and what questions that are stopping me from being the company I envisioned in my head when I first purchased the LLC. I am...
  3. L

    Fractional Real Estate Investing

    I recently bought a house together with ppl in my network b/c it’s just too expensive alone in the Bay Area. The property just got rented out and we’ve now got shared rental income as well! People have been really interested in how we figured out the legal agreements, holding title, property...
  4. I

    Marketing my startup

    Marketing is a crucial part of running a successful business. It’s what connects you with your customers and helps you build relationships that last long after the sale has been made. But as small businesses know all too well, marketing can be tough when you don’t have a lot of money to invest...
  5. R

    Two random ideas I had that could be helpful

    I’m not working on these so feel free to steal them. They’re mostly just gimmicky things I thought of but I’m sure there’s a glimmer of a good idea in here somewhere. An app for home DIYers that works like a telehealth visit. You can get on FaceTime with a specialized contractor to walk you...
  6. T

    Idea for rotating patch

    While growing the crops the Gardner take great care of the plant/crop as they do for own kid.They take care for everything that require plant/crop to grow healthy. One of which is Sun-light to grow healthy plant require Sunlight as much as they can. However the problem is that during day the...
  7. M

    General opinion/criticism regarding enhancing dating apps

    Hi all quick intro - I’m a fairly experienced dev, built lots of products for years (no remarkable success here). Anyway, so late last year i got an idea to automate matching on tinder, hinge and bumble in a sustainably efficient way. This was completely personal and i had no intentions to sell...
  8. J

    12 potential problems to solve to convert into ideas (digest #6)

    Hi! In these digests I collect real opportunities(mostly automation requests) that people talk about on Reddit. If you're stuck and don't know what kind of problems to solve, some posts may hint you a direction. I'm also looking for a feedback on what problems you want to see here! Please tell...
  9. R

    Paperless SaaS

    I have a SaaS idea that I am planning to deploy: Offer a well established open source software named Paperless-ngx ( as a web service, to people who are not technically competent to set up a server and a docker container. This way, customers will...
  10. J

    Solopreneur making $40k MRR with an AI No Code SaaS Startup

    Hey, I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. I wanted to share the summarized version of this one with you because this entrepreneurial journey blew my mind. This post will be about FormulaBot (ExcelFormulaBot), an AI No Code SaaS founded by David...
  11. S

    I created a Matching App for Roommates and NEED advice for next steps

    my story TL;DR I made a roommate matching app I need help figuring out next steps to get the thing going. I am working on a SaaS that can make money but it wont bring me users and I feel like I've reached a stage where I would love to be able to afford more professional help. What would you do...
  12. D

    Have you ever felt lost starting with test cases? Hi, there✋ We are teamQAing building QAing TC pro that helps professionals create test cases without any hassle. 📌 What is QAing TC pro? QAing TC pro is a tool that simplifies...
  13. G

    Cybersecurity Sales Startup UC Berkeley Seeking Advice and Beta Testers

    Dear r/Startup_Ideas community, my name is Niklas and with my Co-Founder Shashank I am building CyberSights (, a tool for salespeople in cybersecurity that delivers one-click, comprehensive briefings on leads specific to the cyber industry. We are classmates at UC...
  14. T

    Looking for a Technical Co-Founder. Read the post and DM if interested! Setting up 30 minute virtual meetings to meet you & discuss

    Preferences: Location: US Based (any time zone except Hawaii) Prior start up experience and/or work experience in midcap or large cap of ~5 years or more (either or in aggregate) Experience in Tech, fintech, social media, apps Working status: Employed Details about the Start Up: Stage...
  15. F

    Thoughts On My Google Review / Feedback Tool?

    Over the last few weeks, I've focused on building an online service that helps small business boost their Google reviews (legally). It's mainly targeted at small businesses at a physical location, but works for any business with a Google Page (it could also work with Trustpilot). I've done...
  16. J

    App for endless personalized trivia: A TikTok for knowledge! Feedback / beta-users pls!

    Hey Reddit! A friend and I are building a TikTok-styled app that is purely focused on learning. Think of it as the love child between TikTok and Wikipedia Think r/Damnthatsinteresting / r/todayilearned / r/science / r/history (or any other topic, theoretically), in endless supply, fully...
  17. A

    Inviting feedback on my startup's pilot plan

    I am considering building a product or platform to provide global investors (HNI & uHNI) with investment opportunities in the Indian private market (startup funding, M&A, secondary, and LP). To begin, I have a database of 20K+ global investors. This is scrapped through platforms. The email ids...
  18. C

    Weightlifting x Gym x CrossFit Programming Platform

    Your Feedback much appreciated What do you think of this idea: a virtual weightlifting and CrossFit platform offering live form feedback via video and programming plans from real certified trainers? Key Features: 1. Personalized Programming: Customized training plans designed by certified...
  19. K

    Seeking 2 co-founders (technology and marketing)

    Dear Entrepreneurs, Hope you're all keeping well. I'm trying to explore the possibility of building a cross-continent startup with 1 or 2 driven/passionate individuals. I've been pondering over a couple of tech startup ideas (which may not be the greatest) but I'd like to discuss them in private...
  20. S

    Idea for small sales orgs

    Looking for feedback on this app idea: For any B2B company to grow, it’s required that their sales organization has a solid understanding as to why customers chose to move forward with them or, more importantly, why they didn’t. A pain point I’ve seen at many companies is that this is harder...