startup ideas

  1. J

    Solopreneur making $40k MRR with an AI No Code SaaS Startup

    Hey, I'm Elias and I do case studies analyzing successful startups and solopreneurs. I wanted to share the summarized version of this one with you because this entrepreneurial journey blew my mind. This post will be about FormulaBot (ExcelFormulaBot), an AI No Code SaaS founded by David...
  2. S

    I created a Matching App for Roommates and NEED advice for next steps

    my story TL;DR I made a roommate matching app I need help figuring out next steps to get the thing going. I am working on a SaaS that can make money but it wont bring me users and I feel like I've reached a stage where I would love to be able to afford more professional help. What would you do...
  3. D

    Have you ever felt lost starting with test cases? Hi, there✋ We are teamQAing building QAing TC pro that helps professionals create test cases without any hassle. 📌 What is QAing TC pro? QAing TC pro is a tool that simplifies...
  4. G

    Cybersecurity Sales Startup UC Berkeley Seeking Advice and Beta Testers

    Dear r/Startup_Ideas community, my name is Niklas and with my Co-Founder Shashank I am building CyberSights (, a tool for salespeople in cybersecurity that delivers one-click, comprehensive briefings on leads specific to the cyber industry. We are classmates at UC...
  5. T

    Looking for a Technical Co-Founder. Read the post and DM if interested! Setting up 30 minute virtual meetings to meet you & discuss

    Preferences: Location: US Based (any time zone except Hawaii) Prior start up experience and/or work experience in midcap or large cap of ~5 years or more (either or in aggregate) Experience in Tech, fintech, social media, apps Working status: Employed Details about the Start Up: Stage...
  6. F

    Thoughts On My Google Review / Feedback Tool?

    Over the last few weeks, I've focused on building an online service that helps small business boost their Google reviews (legally). It's mainly targeted at small businesses at a physical location, but works for any business with a Google Page (it could also work with Trustpilot). I've done...
  7. J

    App for endless personalized trivia: A TikTok for knowledge! Feedback / beta-users pls!

    Hey Reddit! A friend and I are building a TikTok-styled app that is purely focused on learning. Think of it as the love child between TikTok and Wikipedia Think r/Damnthatsinteresting / r/todayilearned / r/science / r/history (or any other topic, theoretically), in endless supply, fully...
  8. A

    Inviting feedback on my startup's pilot plan

    I am considering building a product or platform to provide global investors (HNI & uHNI) with investment opportunities in the Indian private market (startup funding, M&A, secondary, and LP). To begin, I have a database of 20K+ global investors. This is scrapped through platforms. The email ids...
  9. C

    Weightlifting x Gym x CrossFit Programming Platform

    Your Feedback much appreciated What do you think of this idea: a virtual weightlifting and CrossFit platform offering live form feedback via video and programming plans from real certified trainers? Key Features: 1. Personalized Programming: Customized training plans designed by certified...
  10. K

    Seeking 2 co-founders (technology and marketing)

    Dear Entrepreneurs, Hope you're all keeping well. I'm trying to explore the possibility of building a cross-continent startup with 1 or 2 driven/passionate individuals. I've been pondering over a couple of tech startup ideas (which may not be the greatest) but I'd like to discuss them in private...
  11. S

    Idea for small sales orgs

    Looking for feedback on this app idea: For any B2B company to grow, it’s required that their sales organization has a solid understanding as to why customers chose to move forward with them or, more importantly, why they didn’t. A pain point I’ve seen at many companies is that this is harder...
  12. L

    Have an idea but don't know how can I make business out of it

    I have an idea to empower and increase the visibility of small businesses. So the idea is basically an app on which people can get to know about fresh local happenings and information(offers, happy hours, events, sponsorship, and much more). Anyone can post anonymously on the app about the...
  13. F

    Book tracker app with a RPG & self-development focus

    Hi All, Will here - I have been into pop culture and self-development for most of my life, and I’m looking to build a new book tracker app, and for it to be different from existing apps in the following ways: RPG Theme - Random book discovery is framed as Random Encounters - Books are like...
  14. B

    Thinking of starting a ‘web entrepreneur’ bootcamp in the Mediterranean - any good?

    I’m looking into starting a bootcamp for people to learn the fundamentals of web entrepreneurship, on a sunny mediterranean island. The idea is that it would be an intensive, on-site course of 8-10 weeks, where people who had never built a business before got a crash course in how to start and...
  15. B

    “Business Strategies”: AI Chatbot to perform SWOT and PESTLE (and others) analysis on your startup. Just need provide business document URL

    Hello folks, for those who are keen in AI for business or marketing strategy analysis for your startup (or investment decisions), I have built (and been using) a custom OpenAI chatbot that helps you to: 1) analyze your business case/strategy. 2) support analysis with real-time industry trends...
  16. S

    How I do sales as a massive introvert

    Sales is scary. Even more so if you’re shy or introverted. But it doesn’t need to be. I’m one of the biggest introverts you’ll ever meet. And yet I make 90%+ of my revenue from direct selling. In this post, I’ll share my exact process for selling products of all prices. I use these methods to...
  17. C

    Too many people go for the sexy online startup ideas

    Did you have a negative reaction to the title? Good, that means this post is calling you out. There is so little competition in non-sexy, non-tech companies. AI is cool and all but it's not going to fix the leaky toilet or mow the lawn. Here are some of my non-sexy business ideas: Custom...
  18. D

    Got some spare time? Let's do a startup today!

    Not sure where to post this. I got my fair share of experience with startups. Succeeded and failed numerous times. Got a startup going for me for like 6 years. Now it's time to move on. Last week I started working on some new ideas again. Working in a team can be a good experience. So anyone...
  19. N

    This is it… the ending of my app idea.. what do you think?

    I’ve come up with a dating app idea. One obviously that works/functions/has different features than the current ones… It’s been a year and I’ve tried to perfect the idea to a T. It’s essentially a connecting app. B2C. B2B in the works. Catered more to online daters who are willing to meet up...
  20. Q

    HubSpot Implementation

    Don’t have this idea fully cooked but a quick feasibility analysis SaaS companies want to get leaner and move away from legacy Salesforce bulk CRM of the 00s HubSpot is 10x easier, faster and integrates easy but hiring professionals is costly + maintaining in-house team is costlier. 3.VCs...