startup ideas

  1. P

    Applying to Y Combinator (W18)

    Hey all! We are an early-stage startup applying to YC for the upcoming winter batch and would be super grateful if you could provide us with some feedback for our application. Thanks a lot! Love,
  2. T

    Coast 2 Coast is an app that pays users to play their favorite sports

    The app let's users earn money everytime they play basketball football or soccer almost anywhere. LA|Fitness, YMCA, Local Park, Rec Center, anywhere. The app let's users earn money everytime they play basketball football or soccer almost anywhere. There are TWO ways to earn I. Quickplay...
  3. J

    Floaty - A universal cloud platform (Summary and Feature 1/7 for feedback: Video Calls)

    At work I use slack, zoom, outlook, sharepoint, google drive, you name it- we probably use it. I hate when someone says "I sent it to you", then I have to go look through slack or email to find it. When someone sends me a zoom invite instead of teams. Also, joining calls and ending them are...
  4. C

    Gear Caliber: Rotten Tomatoes for __________

    Product: - professional reviews from trusted sources, aggregated, for VR products, drones, smartphones, everything in between. Motivation: Finding out that ~60-70% of user reviews on sites like Amazon are now fake / highly influenced by the sellers. Wanting to make the...
  5. P

    🏆 Top Product Hunt products from Wednesday (23. Nov. 2022):

    🏅1 Bugasura: Track, manage, and close issues faster with our web-based bug tracker. It’s fast, flexible (integrates with major dev stack tools), and collaborative (add teams, vendors and even customers!). Free to use for 5 team members. 🥈2 Lucky...
  6. L

    Your opinion on 2 (maybe 1) eSports related startup ideas

    Hey! I am a 26yo frontend developer and UI Designer. Today I was watching the Google keynote and thinking about this gaming industry. It's extremely big and will only grow. Right after this, I came up with the folliwing startup ideas: A platform only for gaming and eSports vacancies. Just...
  7. A

    I have a decent business idea I think

    How do you share it with people to get opinions, mainly online but also in person, without risk of someone taking it? And also at the next stage of funding. Do you make them sign an NDA or what? Thanks!!
  8. S

    Feedback for a wikipedia parsing SAAS

    Hey friends, I had an idea for a web api that transforms a wikipedia page into a semi-predictable, structured format that makes it easier to parse for data enrichment and collection. For example the wikipedia page for Alexander_The_Great would be returned in the following format; {...
  9. M

    10 ideas a day. Day 4: Areas of life in which you have changed your mind

    @mrbigbluff21, @Nodirbekcool and yours truly have been doing 10 Ideas a Day routine for 3 days now. With intermitting success, of course. FAQ: Q. What the fuck is it all about? A. James Altucher says coming up with 10 ideas a day for 180 days makes you super-creative: here Q. Can I join...
  10. A

    401k Matching Startup Idea

    Outlining a business idea I have. Potentially totally crazy, but would love any feedback. Problem: I currently work for a startup (about 100 people) and in our quarterly meetings, 401k matching is consistently the #1 ask from employees. I started digging into this more and realized, very few...
  11. F

    Here is an idea I typed up. Read from a potential client's POV

    Dog shit P.I. Yes. You read that correctly, dog shit private investigator. These guys are going to be your front line of surveillance for the lazy residents in your complex. Here of some FAQs to start you off: Q: Does your team handle any dog disposal? A: No. We are only on-premise to catch...
  12. S


    SIE Support,Invest, Eat We support 3 different types of users, Business owners (users who own businesses and are looking for a cash upfront in exchange for discount food vouchers) “Investors” (users Who will supply businesses with money upfront in exchange for discounted vouchers which...
  13. L

    B2B Workshop & Event Registration Service + Budget Management

    Most company allocate budget on educational development of their employees. Workshop & events needs to be closely tracked for early bird tickets. Events abroad which requires hotel + flight bookings supply (events) Companies generally not aware of new trends + events worldwide. They only...
  14. M

    New CS course idea that eligible high school students

    Firstly, my english is not perfect therefore plase write comment for elaborate. Okay, I idea about combine programming and Math/Geometry learning. How can be ? I will use C++ on programming side and OpenGL on visual side. This is 10 week course. 1.week, C++ Basic 1 (Operators, Variables...
  15. N

    Protecting Intellectual Property while Outsourcing

    Are you planning to outsource a software development project in the future? Are you worried about how can you share your idea with a third party safely and not risk them claiming it as their own? Here's what I think: First, you have to be sure that you know what does IP encompass where...
  16. S

    Instagram x blogging

    Blogging today involves setting up your own site or blog or Medium account etc. What about a social media meets blogging app where people can write 200 words max per post and it’s in an Instagram-like feed. I know I want to write about some things but starting a blog seems like too big a...
  17. K

    D&D Players - Scratch That Itch Between Sessions

    Dungeons And Dragons is an incredible social experience but unfortunately each session can only last so long, and has to come to an end. We have to return to normal life for sometimes weeks at a time before we can meet again for adventure. My own group has a text thread going to send meme's...
  18. M

    Tired of Doing a 9-5 Job? Wanna Explore Beyond the Job?

    Wanna start your own business but don't know in which niche you should opt for? Here I am with some great business ideas for all the members of this community. So, do have a look at the ideas mentioned below. Youtuber. Affiliate Marketer. Content Writer. Social Media Marketing Services. Graphic...
  19. A

    HydroDipping Business

    Hey all! I am in college and am taking an Intro to Entrepreneurship class as a business elective. We have to create a business and develop the idea to the max potential throughout the semester. I chose to do one centered around HydroDipping, I have to create a survey to get feedback on the idea...
  20. K

    Here's how I went from 0 to over 10,000 registered users very quickly :D

    Hey everyone. I'm Aron. We created a simple site at and we have over 10,000 registered users in a matter of a couple of weeks. Averaging 500+ new users every day. Zero paid ads. The site helps people with their startup ideas. Here's the secret that has worked for me, more...