1k+ visits in the last 30 days, only 5 paying customers and 77 sign ups?


New member
It's odd that my website racked up 1,000 views over the past 30 days, yet I've only managed to convert five visitors into paying customers. Could it be that my website isn't persuasive enough? I'm pretty sure my product is solid—when I tested it out, plenty of folks were eager to give it a shot and pay for it. Those five customers who did sign up are seeing some great results, though. They're sending out loads of personalized emails with just one click, saving them heaps of time and streamlining their sales efforts. But I'm stumped as to why more people aren't seeing the value in it.

Website: https://majilabs.io

Web Analytics:

Firebase User Sign Ups
@aero17 I feel you should project your product as an Assistant to the SDR rather than as a replacement. A product can't really replace a human even though it has AI support.
Your product will be more helpful to both experienced and newbie SDRs to:
Achieve their Targets.
Learn new skills.
Manage active outreach campaigns.
@613jono Oh, this is good feedback. Great, I will change "MajiLabs is your AI-trained SDR that helps ..." to "MajiLabs is your AI-trained SDR Assistant...". This should do right?
@aero17 Sadly I have to state something obvious. You are in a bit of a pickle here.You created a product that helps businesses close deals, eccomerce to get customers, etc - so you should be using your software to show people how good it is as this seems to be the main purpose of it.

By failing to gain customers you failed to prove that your solution works, and that is in return the reason why you fail to gain customers. I know that sentence looks odd, but it is like the mythical ouroboros here.

The main premise here is that in order to prove value of your SaaS to potential customers you need to be successful at selling your service by using your own serverice. Tricky one.

p.s. 77 signups is not bad.
@tennyson1 I get it. The thing is most people who signed up to the platform have not used it yet, they only signed up, so they don't know if it works or not. This is the main issue. I will start doing email outreach using my platform in hopes I can get more paying clients.
@aero17 Then you have an onboarding problem.

People usually try the product after signing up, unless the signup process is bureaucratic (lots of confirmations) or they don’t know what to do after the signup.

Figure out which one. Then act accordingly. For example: Do your customer maybe need an onboarding tutorial? A guided “first campaign” setup?
@aero17 The design is pretty cool. But IMO it has alot of text. I dunno what to read and what not to read. The "Wide Variety of Personalization Parameters" section also could use some redesign.
@aero17 Firstly, congrats on your product. To answer your question, I can't talk for everyone but can talk from a personal perspective.

So I don't like the copy given. I receive zillions of cold emails like these and think they're horrible.

The specific bit is around 'collaboration' or 'partnership.' If you're trying to sell me something then sell it to me. In my experience, everyone who writes colab / partner is just trying to sell me something. And everyone who falls into this category has been a time waster so it's a pet hate of mine.

I'm fine being sold to. Sometimes I have to buy stuff so sell it to me.

Also, what are the results? Show me some data.

And finally, I don’t trust the solution. Show me some customer testimonials. Not a wall of text but videos of real customers I can check out on Linkedin who say your stuff is amazing.

After that, I want to know the solution's easy to use.

Otherwise, congrats so far on getting paying customers. You've clearly identified a need and have a great solution.
@aero17 Some objections for you to consider and overcome:

What does it mean for an email to have "51% improvement" when you list a bunch of different vague categories that we could measure by? That section looks like hand-waved nonsense.

What do you mean that I can personalize 1000 emails, and send 5000 emails? Why am I sending 4000 unpersonalized emails?

I'm not your target customer; maybe a sales person will just get it intuitively. But as a rando, I don't really understand what you're selling, so I just see another "mumble mumble AI" project. If it's just mumble mumble AI, I can already go to my AI of choice and tell it to punch up my email copy. Why should I pay money for you to write a ChatGPT prompt when I can just do that myself?

How can it be for sales leads, and for marketing emails? Those are very different things... unless it's just telling an AI to write an email for me, in which case I can do that myself.
@aero17 OK, so the first question has to be, where did you get those 1,000 views?

Because, unless it's quality targeted traffic, there's no point in even talking about the signup rate, because it's meaningless.

So, how did these people get to your website and what problem are they looking to fix?

Because, looking at your page, you've got a bunch of different messages trying to talk to a bunch of very different people.

When, what you probably need is either to focus on one message, or to create different landing pages for different traffic sources.

Hope this helps,

@aero17 There are a lot of things you can change in that landing page to increase conversion rate. Wanna do a FREE landing page audit? I run a SaaS growth agency by the way?
@aero17 Do you have a lead nurturing and engagement program on your product?
77 signups is decent so that's not a problem however only 5 converted to paying customers that seems to be the problem. You should have seen atleast 20 people converting.
Let me know if you need nurturing and engagement program set up.
@aero17 I think your website might benefit from a cleaner look. Consider simplifying your landing page by reducing the amount of text and elements. It could help make the user experience more enjoyable and effective!

If you need more help on this just DM me
@aero17 My personal thoughts on your company are that there are a bunch of companies in this space, so what you need to do is build credibility that yours is worth trying. Examples of emails, testimonials, etc.

You can get away with less of that if you're doing sales, but the inbounds leads are more likely to know more about the space.
@aero17 I think now you have nailed your marketing game. By generating 1k+ visits. Thats a phenomenal feat. Now I believe you need to start creating a community on Discord/Slack/Reddit with the existing paying customers/trial users. Start doubling down on your sales engine by devising a killer cold outreach strategy.

Let me introduce myself - My name is Vivek Dev Jacob and I am a startup curator with 8+ years of experience in startups as a co founder, founding member and also worked with big tech like Salesforce. Pasting my LinkedIn profile for your reference : https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivek-dev-jacob/

I can help you in building your cold outreach strategy . If you need any help on this feel free to set up a call with me - https://calendly.com/vivekdevjacob

Happy Sunday and Happy Easter:)


@carol777 Sounds good. For my cold outreach strategy, I will be using my platform to reach out to potential customers through email.

I just launched a google ads campaign to see how that performs as well

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