24 years old


New member
Hi Guys!

I’m a Gen Z, on an HR field for my 9-5 Job. I’m planning to start a business but I don’t know how. My interest are for event planning, travel agency, nail art business/salon and clothing.

I don’t have any mentors because my family is used to 9-5 jobs but seeing them doing the work. I feel like my calling is to start my own business and work for myself. Any kind words and tips that can help an aspiring young entrepreneur would be great.

Hoping this post would create healthy discussion.
@beth008 Start networking. Meet people, preferably those who are wealthy. You can start by doing side hustles with those who also do what you want to do. Start at the bottom and work your way up. You can even do pro bono if you really don't have anyone. Start with your family, then extended family. Word of mouth is a powerful tool.
@beth008 Nasa sayo na yan. No one can really tell you how to. Kanya kanyang path pagdating sa ganyan. Dito makikita kung entrepreneur ka talaga or hindi. There will never be a well defined path since iba iba tayo lahat ng circumstances hence, the need for networking and meeting people from different backgrounds then finding gaps, voids, and problems that you can solve.
@beth008 Before anything else, I suggest that you stick with your corporate job while discovering whether you really like to take the path of entrepreneurship (fellow HR here who is also managing our family businesses).

Regarding mentors, you can actually find them by networking so look for events and join groups but it is important to note that you need to have a professional skill or service that you can offer in exchange for direct mentorship. Good luck!
@beth008 Start engaging yourself in a small business groups. Start networking to meet people and have yourself mentored as you meet them. That's what I did as I started last 2020. From there, you'll develop goal setting, positive mindset and creativity and ideas as to what business you would want to engage in.

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