27 Y.O (male)


New member
Hey everybody. Not sure how to go about this, basically I would like to start a business. More specifically, a laundromat. Only considering this because I'm ASSUMING it's much less work than a Gas station or Restaurant. I have bad credit so it's gonna be hard to get a loan.

I'm asking a how to start or who to talk to about having a laundromat of my own.

TIA for any words of advice.

I realize this is a sensitive subject. Maybe mostly cause my assumption, but I'm here to learn if there is help. In order to do that I will make an ass out of myself and grow from the experience.

Please if you have no advice. Do not reply if your criticism is constructive. Keep it to yourself for now. Imagine I had everything good, including a head, to start a business.
@sarahtoo Starting a business in a field based on an assumption it will be less work is a strong indication you probably shouldn’t start a business yet.
@nana7086 No he asked you not give any constructive criticism…? OP is fucking lazy, that’s a fair assumption. He should look into storage units instead of laundry mat if he wants a mailbox paycheck. He’s going to fail and credit will become shittier, he’ll resort to selling weed out Moms house.
@613jono Just in general people are animals. These comments are proof. Don't try to find the faults in my stars but instead look at the man in the mirror. Read. Like this guy but obviously I damaged some egos. Thanks for the replies
@613jono Where in the world did I ask this. Either you're all old men or let them fuck with you. Chill out and be happy. No one here is trying to go after your lively hood.
@nana7086 Thanks for the constructive criticism, dully noted. I'm here for advise on how to. Not a psychiatric opinion, based on what I'm saying and not asking for.
@sarahtoo It’s an enormous red flag when someone thinks they can just start a business with bad credit and the only stated motivation being that they don’t want to work hard.