27 Y.O (male)

@613jono I take it. All the time. 😉 Just know that I can choose to take it or not. Unfortunately for you I choose not to take anyone negativity on Reddit. Like you, or unlike you, I know millionaires with bad mouths and worse attitudes. Take your crap somewhere else.
@sarahtoo No, you hear criticism, but you have no idea how to take it. Taking criticism means improving your outlook based on it. You don’t know any millionaires, let’s go ahead and clear that one up. You’ve heard of millionaires with bad attitudes and mouths, but what you’re missing is they got that way because they still have a good work ethic and know how to get shit done. If you want to sit on your ass and do nothing and be a millionaire, you need to be born as one, simple as that.
@tigr I'm good to people. I don't have "welcome" tattooed, I probably have more than one personality. I just know I don't got time or funds to check. If you couldn't put it in a single question without making seem derogatory, then you should keep it. That's all. You don't got hate me or love me for it.

I hope whoever is lurking and thinks this helps, helps them.
@sarahtoo I can tell you that financing is not as impossible as you may think.
There are banks that specialize in first time business owners. There’s also venture capital groups and networking you can do to generate capital in other ways.

However I would suggest AT LEAST 6-12 month of hard homework. A business has the obvious challenges but then there’s always layers and surprises that are more difficult to anticipate that may be unique to each business, location, community, building etc

Would you consider making a list of businesses that have traits you like? For example
1. Laundromat
2. Car wash
3. Vending machines
4. Tool rentals
5. Car rental
6. Bike rental
7. 3D printing

Whatever you can think of. Then see how many of these business owners you can reach and ask if they would answer some questions either over the phone or in exchange for a coffee. You might be surprised how many are willing to help. Some of those people will have specific info on how they got funded and may even directly connect you to experts you’re looking for.

In networking the rule is you are never more than 7 people away from the person you really need, often less.

Also magic happens when you’re willing to follow up at least 7 times.

Learn, ask, study, look for questions you hadn’t yet thought of.

The running of a business is actually not so difficult, however being prepared to do is where most of us struggle. Many small businesses open up before they’re prepared and have the painful experience of learning through the business. Some of that should happen but too much of that is poor prep and study.

Good luck to you!!!!
@sarahtoo You gotta talk to the laundromat licensing board. Kiss the rings and grease the palms. Be polite but firm. Speak when spoken to, but not otherwise. If they like you, they will introduce you to a guy selling sloshers and tumblers (industry jargon). If they don't like you, well, 27 years isn't so bad. Good luck
@sarahtoo Get a job in a laundromat for a few years to see how it all works, and get to understand the business. Use that time to save your starting capital, and fix your credit, as you are going to need both.
@christinalyn24 I’ve owned a dry cleaning plant with 5 substations. There’s money to be made in substations, if they’re in the right locations. Minimal work, high returns for basically doing next to nothing.
@sarahtoo How do you expect to turn a profit in this economy?
What's your mission statement? I assume you have a business prospectus and have done your due diligence in researching this market correct?
  1. True the economy is in one the worst since the great depression (1929), but there still isn't lack in gain, right? I would hope so. In rough times where prices soar and people are in need. They will buy as if things were good. Frequency may be slower or faster but the money will flow. Until someone invents a self cleaning material or clothing line. washer, dryers and laundromats will have a place for a home. Furnished or unfurnished. When repairs are high and high mileage fees are included. A laundromat can minimize your spending until you have what you need for yourself (washer dryer) I see a laundromat around for the next 15-20 years. (Who knows, maybe someday some kind of installed washing system will be required in homes and the only tools you'll need are your two hands a screw driver and a hammer. Maybe even entirely less).
    1. I was trying to answer the questions they were ordered. Unfortunately I may have made a slight mission statement trying to answer your question. I'll have to shorten it.
  2. Maybe I just answered this one as well.
    4.no, only how to start and some costs I'm headed towards as well as looking for businesses that are for sale. Maybe I have? Other than the necessity for a laundromat.
Please I'm just learning. Imma bout to drown by jumping in all I'm asking is how to swim. No more help I'll get it.