3AM Rebound - Hangover Cure


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  • The product
    • Is a 2oz hangover shot. We've developed a formula to combat the effects of alcohol.
    • Our formula is packed with natural herbs like ginseng berry, reishi mushroom, turmeric, ginger, milk thistle, and more. Our formula is designed to detox your liver, hydrate your body, clear your mind, and ease your stomach.
    • Our target market are men and women that drink ages 25-55.
  • The market
    • The United States alcoholic drink market is expected to increase to $239 billion U.S. dollars in 2018. A report from the Center for Disease Control finds that excessive drinking—particularly binging, defined as more than four drinks for women or more than five for men—cost the U.S. economy nearly $250 billion in 2010.
    • Since 2010 there have been some hangover cures popping up in the market. Not until recently have they started gaining steam. One of the more popular hangover drinks is Morning Recovery. They did $4-$5 million in sales their first year. Their one year mark was this August.
  • What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?
    • We are in the formulation stage. We've tested the product with over 20 people. Most have said it completely cured their hangover or they felt at least 70% better. We've had two girls that said it did nothing for them. They both admitted they drank way more than usual. The negative feedback we received was about the taste. We are working with a combination of bitter herbs. We currently have a food scientist working on it that claims he solved our bitterness issue.
    • We are not looking to raise money right now.
  • Customer conversion strategy
    • Our marketing strategy is pushing our product hard on Facebook and Instagram. We will be running Facebook and Instagram ads (which we have deep knowledge in). We are in production of making humorous videos we will push on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Once our first batch of 1,000 is ready we have Instagram Influencers ready to run giveaways (all we are providing is the product). We are starting a podcast at the moment. We plan on launching an Indiegogo Campaign once we receive all the feedback from our customers on our first run. We have a couple of other sales channels down the road that no other company is doing right now. With these sales channels we will be right in front of our customers.
  • Why you? Whose your daddy and what does he do?!? err, wait. never mind. I mean, why are YOU the best person for this job?
    • The core group is Josh, Don,Donny (me). Josh and Donny created a million dollar eCommerce business in 2016-2017. They know how to sale online through Facebook and Instagram. Don has built one of the most well known and respected home inspection companies in Utah. He has years of business experience. We are all health nuts and have been using herbs for years. We know the benefits behind each herb we are using. Aihua is also a part of our team. She holds a PhD in Pharmacognosy, an M.S. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and a B.S. in Pharmacy. She has been the driving force behind developing the formula.
Website: www.3amrebound.com
@farmboy Can you provide some science behind this? My understanding is electrolytes alone aren’t going to cure a hangover. Also, how does it “clear your head” exactly?

How does your product differ from other hangover remedies like hoist? How is it better than drinking a Gatorade?
@cyn29 Yes, I will provide links of the science behind some of our active ingredients. Not every ingredient has been scientifically proven to cure a hangover, but have been used for years by people that swear by it. You are correct that electrolytes alone will not cure a hangover. Hoist and sports drinks are packed with electrolytes but more is needed to get over a hangover or avoid it all together. When you drink you liver breaks down ethanol and turns it into acetaldehyde (which is toxic). Our formula contains super antioxidants that help remove those toxins. What I meant by clear your head is remove any fogginess that comes with drinking.

Ginseng Berry -will speed up the process of alcohol with the help of ginsenocides and antioxidant agents.

Reishi- improves liver detox, is an ant-inflammatory, and helps with mental clarity.

Turmeric- Helps the liver efficiently detox.

Milk Thistle- is an anti-inflammatory & antioxidant, used to detoxify the liver.

Asparagus- Researchers found that extracts taken from the leaves & shoots of asparagus boosted levels of key enzymes that break down alcohol after heavy drinking.

Ginger- is a tried and tested treatment for nausea and seasickness.

We also have electrolytes to replace the minerals lost during drinking. We have vitamin B6 and B12 to help promote healthy nerve function and fight fatigue (we only have the daily recommended does, so your not up all night).
@farmboy Personally, I'd want to see a double blind study done by a third party.

"Antioxidant" and "detoxify" always scream "nonsense" to me. But then again, a lot of people buy things that are/seem like nonsense.

I guess the question for you in terms of marketing is: are studies necessary to convince your customers and if so, how discerning about the studies are your customers?