6 months from now will be the best time in history to open a restaurant

@mariusk Nah, I'm not so sure. I'm a regular average Joe and I won't be going out to restaurants to be jam packed with other people in an enclosed space anytime soon. Takeout and delivery for me for the foreseeable future, atleast until there is a vaccine. Now of you're able to actually do something ground breaking and design the restaurant with social distancing and some type of increased airflow that is constantly pulling the air from inside outside, then maybe people would feel more comfortable.
@mariusk I personally think brand name fast food restaurants are going to do well out of this. People will still want to eat out. Going to McDonalds drive-thru means you don't have to worry so much about contaminated glasses, plates, cutlery or table surfaces.
@mariusk Add 18 months to your estimate and I might agree with you. We will hopefully have an all new president and Congress by then that will have an actual plan. That’s what is missing from all this...if I knew what we were doing, instead of nothing, I might have more confidence.
@mariusk I’ve worked in all sides of restaurants: cook, server, manager, accounting, and technology. I hate everything about the restaurant business. 6 months from now, I will still feel the same.

I’d rather mow lawns than work in a restaurant. Ugh! /rant

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