7 Lesser known ways to generate Content Ideas [Fun as well!]


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Who doesn't love to consume unique Content?​

....But in the plethora of online Content, it's usually hard to find Content ideas, and this struggle is real for any and every freelancer or agency out there.

Every market is saturated, and basically, there's nothing left to create Content on.

If you agree to what I said till now, you're absolutely.....WRONG!

Just like numbers, there can be infinite contents if you have the right eye.

I didn't mean to say just read some books or blogs and write on something you found appealing. That'll be rewriting, basically. We're talking about Unique Contents.

Reality is- Unique Content is a myth. You can find information about the most untapped market as well on the Search Engines.

So what's the way out?

To find unique Content ideas, you need to be unique. Given below are some of the lesser-known ways to get Content Ideas for yourself. Trust me, it works and is a fun activity.

1) Customer/Sales Calls

After I experienced this myself, I found the same thing to be written over Content Marketing Institute. In other words, we can get inspiration for our next Content from any sales/client calls.

During these calls, prospects can put forward really challenging questions that you can choose to answer later, in the form of a Blog or Custom Emails.

2) Forums

hese are really GoldMines to get bags of unique Content Ideas. If you scroll through your thread/community's Comment sections, you can get some unique ideas to create Content.

3) Following influencers

Influencers in your niche or even someone who isn't from your niche can bring you many excellent ideas. They do regular studies and extensive research. You can compile ideas from them

4) Merge two contents

I like this one personally. It eventually makes the Content wholesome. For example, if someone has already written on something, it's not possible for him to cover everything in that post. So if you just get some other closely related content or complementary topic, merge it to make it wholesome.

5) Trending News

Who said you need to be mainstream and write rants about just your job and stuff? People like it when someone presents them with something they don't know. It can be as unique as fresh trending news on Google.

6) Follow English Newspapers

Now, this is something many people don't do! With the advent of the 'Subscribe our News channel on the go' type CTA, people prefer not to spend money on getting piles of newspapers. Wrong!

Newspapers still remain one of the best sources of current, first-hand information. Read every nuke and corner of it, and highlight anything that you find interesting.

7) Idea dumping

It's more like a game and works well if done in groups. As simple as it goes, you have just 2 mins to dump all the weirdest ideas and perspectives you have regarding your industry or corporate world. Don't overthink and write whatever comes to your mind.

Something like a Binge writing marathon.

There are many other ways like discussions that opened your eye, things that you see in your day-to-day life, failure, success, cat and dog facts, and so on.

Living example? Me, who started following Google trends, News, and influencers when one influencer advised me in a session-

"One who reads and learns every day, can never run out of ideas."

And I felt that!

If you have any other crazy ways to generate ideas for your Content Marketing process, do share with the community in the comment section!