9-5 must be 9-5 even in startups and must be legally enforced

@colinamey It's cool to hear how you've balanced work and play in a startup. It is important to set those boundaries, and it seems like you have done so perfectly. But it is important to remember that not everyone may feel at ease establishing such limits, particularly in startups where the culture frequently prioritizes constant accessibility. Startups could benefit from developing an environment where staff members are empowered to put their health first without feeling guilty.

In larger corporations, you're right that there's often more structure in place to support work-life balance. It could be beneficial for startups to take a page from their book and consider how they can promote a healthier balance for their employees. What I am trying to convey is that it is all about finding the sweet spot between work and life.
@colinamey 'Make a name for yourself' only applies to the startup founders and stakeholders. If startups require someone to put in extra hours and effort, they must be rewarded with remuneration or stakes in the company. And yes corporates mostly ensure some kind of WLB. But opportunitites in corporates are limited. And I think it is doable to ensure some sort of regulations in smaller organizations and startups to ensure WLB. If anything I think it will make the organizatin more successful and not less. I've worked in a sompany that treated employees so badly that new employees came and left every week. That is the only loss making company I've worked in. Had they focused on retainng good employees, they would have made profits.
@jadeemars That's what happens when you have more supply than demand. If every kid wants to be either an engineer or a doctor, and every engineer irrespective of their branch end up doing IT job, what do you expect?
@jadeemars Fuck hustle culture. Peace of mind chase kro bhai. I literally tell the HRs who hire for 6days working to fuck off if they ain't paying extra for the extra day of my time and life.
@shumpy Absolutely true. They should pay more for the extra hours you work. Companies also should have a responsibility to ensure that employees aren't carrying theri work home.
@jadeemars Fuck corporates. As an employee jitna company ko exploit kr skte ho karo. At the end of they day they care about the PnL statement. Aap bas ek row ho unki employees ki Excel ki sheet mein.
@jadeemars This is not EU, Australia or NZ, where we can expect better WLB because..

1) High supply > Demand

2) No strong labour laws and employee rights

3) Government can be easily arm-twisted by the Corporates / large startups as it will affect them negatively
@saved2010 In my experieence it is not the large corporations that disregard employees' work life balance but smaller startups and firms. I htink 1. Supply > Demand is no justification for employers to mistreat theri employees. Plus supply will always be greater than demand in a country like India. And 2 and 3 are issues that can be and must be solved.
@jadeemars We need an union or committee where we can collectively boycott such companies if they try to exploit the timings. but depends on the integrity of people nowadays to follow the boycott.
@derek777laforce I don't think that is the solution because then nobody will start companies in India in the first place. Already the biggest problem and the root cause for exploitation here is lack of jobs and this will probably worsen that root cause. I come from Kerala in India, where there are employee unions everywhere and because of this Kerala has become a graveyard for startups and een existing companies. Moreover, unions here have become another avenue for exploitation as they won't allow people from other states to come and work there. This shatters the very freedom to work in any part of our country and thereby undermine the unity of the country and the feeling of kinship which is already waning. But these are all another topic for another time and I would happily discuss them with you over DM than here.
@jadeemars Well as an agency owner , when some people who are better and willing to work more appear I usually give them the job

But I will always pay for the overshift. It's just that people who want to earn more tend to work more and we tend to choose them
@jadeemars lmao what 9-5 I'm just an employee and its 6-10 6 days a week. but completely at my discretion and vv rewarding be it not monetarily rn. thats the distinction, no-one tells me to push the hours, I see my mentors grinding throughout despite being at a place they could v well retire if the wanted to and its v inspiring.
@revmikez Good for you. But you sound young. Wait a few years and see if you are able to keep it up. But make sure that if you keep this pace up for say 10 years you own very huge stakes in whichever company you work in at that time and becomes the CEO, CTO, CMO something. Else it's not worth it in my opinion.

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