A challenge: Do you know of any tools for finding and filtering influencers by multiple criteria? This is what we've tried already


New member
We cannot find a tool to do this properly anywhere & it's a real problem for us.

What we need:

We need to find a tool that allows us to find and filter all influencers by specific criteria such as:

- Location

- Engagement

- Follower count

Our problem:

We create knowledge products with influencers. However, finding them is the hard part as social media platforms guard their data so you can't search and filter them natively. Without having a proper process to find leads - we are struggling to move forwards. No process for leads = no chance to close

Things we've tried
  1. Going onto Instagram > finding influencers already via manual searches > using the 'suggested' tab
  2. Searching niche keywords we can think of into YouTube and picking people there. This relies on YouTube's search and there's no real way to find other related creators. The closest was 'Youtube UK spotlight' but this is curated and not a proper search.
  3. Facebook charts of top pages in areas. This was a complete bust.
  4. Looking at book stores for non-fiction authors to see who's got to a point where they can sell their knowledge already. This is crazy time consuming as you can't search by geo etc.
  5. Searching linkedin for influencers/coaches. Most influencers aren't here.
  6. Looking at platforms like socialblade. However, they only seem to show top 100 which means the influencers are way too big and search is extremely limited.
  7. Hiring VAs to manually search platforms for us. This resulted in long lists of people often not fitting proper criteria.
  8. Hiring people to export lists. This again, resulted in long lists of people with the majority of those people not meeting specific criteria as they're clearly crude exports.
  9. Looking at influencer tools. However, the ones we've come across have mainly been featuring their own curated (read-small) list of influencers
  10. Collaborating with influencer agencies. This hasn't been great as they're often not good fit (usually very lifestyle based without an expertise) and they also aren't incentivised for longer-term partnerships as the usual influencer brand deal 'cash grabs' are where the agencies seem more immediate revenue
I would love to hear from the community if there are any tools we're overlooking? It seems crazy that this wouldn't or doesn't exist. We've spent a lot of time as you can see trying to solve this problem and I'd love to hear any obvious processes or tools we may be overlooking?
@trevorkian Looked ok, but absolutely blew through their free trial (that only showed 3 results at a time, so not a good trial) and then price looks quite expensive per monthly at like $100+ ? They charge per results it searches, not that you click on or anything so it just burns through them.
@silverprint1157 Naw, but this is a longer term thing for me and not immediately something I'm looking for. My last few days has been buried in projections (read: excel, and differing requests for what it should be for).

Sorry mang. It's a worthy req. If i had to do it right now, dependent on cash I'd be trawling influencers manually (as I've done before, sigh) or signing an influencer agency with pretty sincere terms.

What is it that you've got going on?

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