A new type of lead generation tool (Giving 3 months free for anyone who is willing to give some valuable feedback)


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm working on a new type of lead generation tool that can scan job boards for companies looking to outsource services without human intervention.

Backstory: I'm a founder with 5+ years of experience in the SaaS space. I have bootstrapped a B2B company to $3M ARR in the past and the hardest thing is honestly finding leads/customers in my opinion.

Cold emails work well if the leads in your pool are warm enough and actually looking to outsource certain services. Spray and pray doesn't cut it anymore. So for my business, we've built a ton of scrapers that scan job boards, LinkedIn, social media networks for companies that have posted jobs and gigs and are looking to outsource services.

As a fun side-project I've decided to make our scrapers available for the public. The scrapers run every hour and update the entire database. It also removes companies that have removed the job post. This means that the database stays clean.

We enrich the database with the key decision makers so you have access to the email address, full name and LinkedIn of the key decision maker within the company.

Link to the product. We have a waitlist, but would love to know what you guys think and how we can enhance the tool!

P.S. I'm open to giving free access to anyone who is willing to give some valuable feedback.