A new way to grow your audience


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A new way to grow your audience

Every day- check GA4, check my subscribers list, check social engagement. Little results.

What I’ve learned is the building part is easy and the marketing is the real challenge.

I’m a builder at heart and that’s where my true passion is, but what’s the point if it doesn’t reach an audience and actually benefit people?

I’d rather fail without spending a dime than make a small buck spending $$$. Bootstrapping this whole thing makes growth even more challenging but the idea of turning profit without spending is what keeps me going.

So how do you overcome this prevalent obstacle of GROWTH? This is not what I’m constantly thinking about and my focus has turned away from development and more so towards growing this thing. It’s sad because all I want is to keep building but that time will come again when I start gaining some traction.

My long term marketing strategies are SEO (publishing blogs), social media presence (starting with 0 followers currently at 57), and referral program (3 referrals since implemented 4 days ago).

The ideas I’m going to start trying out next along side my long term strategies are things like product hunt. My thought is, let me try to get feedback from other founders, successful startups and people that have done well with building a following.

I see a lot of platforms similar to product hunt that I’m going to be launching on to try and get a decent launch strategy for when the time comes to launch on product hunt (never done it before and need to find a hunter).

Anyways, if you’re still reading this, what growth strategies have worked for you, what are some mistakes you’ve learned from in your experience, and do you have any advice for someone building an audience from the ground up?
@qwertykey I've owned multiple digital marketing agencies in the past. I sold my last one 4 years ago and today I am creating content and courses to help people start their own business. With this latest endeavor, I am a one-man-band and in that context I have recently launched a couple of online courses. With limited time and resources, I am focusing on one channel, Facebook.

The FB ad campaigns I ran had minimal success. So, I started looking at organic FB marketing focused on FB Groups. Organic FB marketing has a lot of moving parts (engaging, messaging, replies, etc.) but your end result is a direct relationship with an individual in your target market, which is golden.

As a one-man-band, I am not able to execute all the engagement activity required for organic FB marketing. So, I researched automation tools for that activity. There are multiple solutions on the market, but I found one tool that has all the functionality needed for organic marketing in FB Groups. The team behind this tool provides tons of instruction, content and support to help ensure user success.

I've started using it and it is working for me. In a few days, I have engaged with over 200 individuals that are in my target market. They are now my 'Friends' on FB. They are exposed to the content I post and I can engage with them at will. Not bad. Let me know if you want info on this software. Best of luck to you...
@qwertykey suffering from the same thing. was trying to build social media presence on Tiktok and hire influencers, but then Tiktok shop came along and basically shadowed banned anything that had #Amazon or similar stuff... Need some more strategies my fellow growth hackers.
@qwertykey Loved your intro, I can relate.
I try to think about marketing as building an audience. So, my job as a builder is to build product and audience.
Regarding tactics, I’ve found that cold email outreach is the best to drive growth. You just need to collect targeted emails from people in your desired audience ideally with a bit of intelligence from each of them (so that you can personalize the first paragraph of your outreach email, it does wonders for CTR).
To collect these emails you need a bit of creativity to find sources, and to build a scraper & a tool to help send the emails. If you can’t to find sources to scrape, the easy route is to create free lead magnets, and advertise them to get emails to hit.
@qwertykey Join facebook groups: engagement , follow for follow, network marketing

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