[Advice] I just started working with a family company that is a large floral wholesaler in South Florida, how do I help it grow?


New member
Hello, Reddit!

I grew up with my father, and his entire life I have seen him building 1 business, a flower wholesaler open to the public. The business is between 7/8 figures, not entirely sure which one, but it has been his main source of income.

I'm telling you this because I have been in business, and the other day he asked me what I could do for the company, after offering my help. I didn't give him an in-depth answer, besides grow, and gave him a few ideas.

His business has been lacking structure and has very disorganized operations, always. There is no stockkeeping, lack of organization, etc. and I noticed this takes a large toll in productivity (checking every once in a while if we still have X in stock, if we have Y's receipt, etc)

So, all I could think of is revamping operations and infrastructure, building his brand, implementing some sort of list building technique by maybe offering customers discounts in exchange for their phone, e-mail, etc. and increasing sales by marketing (building his reputation on google+, yelp, making calls, emails, etc).

What advice could you guys give me in helping his business grow? I genuinely see a lot I can help with, but no idea where to start.

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