I started a closet design and install business 2 years ago. Just quit my 9-5 to go full time. I need advertising advice

@mcamustangs Wow this is interesting. I’m 3 months in doing small carpentry jobs. One day I’ll niche down but your story is really interesting. Have you posted before about your experience? I’m curious about what you’ve learned so far.
@frbasil4602 It’s real easy to get setup with closet shelving vendors if you’re interested I’d could help you out with the process. I have posted on a couple different subs, not sure about this one.
@james400 I have software from my supplier that lets me design closets. So instead of the wire rack junk I put in actual mdf board shelving. Once design my supplier cuts the shelves and ships it to me. Then I install the shelving for the customer.
@mcamustangs Sounds fun, I’m definitely curious about the details like if you use subs, website you have, and your previous skills (carpentry or whatever). I about to do “custom” built in cabinets around a fireplace for a customer and if it goes well I might see if that’s a profitable niche. I have always been curious how profitable custom closets would be. We’d all love to hear more. Congrats you sound like you’re on to something.
@mcamustangs started a closet design? Nice!! according to the book traction there 19 channels(where you get potential customer) acquisiation there is: social and displays ads (Facebook,Pinterest,Instagram ads,...etc),affiliate marketing,public relation(people you know who can do advertise for you),public relation unconventional (you know journalist,press,media who can talk about your product),search engine marketing,offline advertisement(go in the street give track about you product),serch engine optimization(SEO),content marketing(create an instagram account , Facebook account and post consistenly),Email marketing (create a landing page explain the benefit of your product, make pre order possible),engineering as marketing,relation online (you know someone who write acticle or find someone with good audience on his website),partnership,affiliate program (your own),direct sales (contact people driectly and talk ),conference,viral marketing, growth through GAFAM (here for E.g you create a youtube channel and post contend)

check in all alternative possible according to your budget (if you have one) and choose what fit the most your need and will give you most customer avoid $$$ cash consumming advertisement .
@mcamustangs I'd argue you got that the wrong way around.

Google Ads first, SEO longer term.

What's your average order value? Helps us advise which channel to focus on based on cost per sale.
@mcamustangs Try hitting up up real estate offices. Go to the larger ones and ask to present. You will need a slideshow and portfolio, but agents help home buyers plan remodels after a buy all the time. They need someone they know
What their work looks like in their pocket. This usually only costs some breakfast food for the agents there. Just ask about presenting at a sales meeting as a vendor, ask them what the normal meeting looks like.

Second item, all the free social media. Houzz, thumbtack, pintrest, facebook, tiktok. Hootsuite will help you manage cross posting to all of them quickly.

Follow up with past customers via email or text. Ask for reviews and ask for referrals. If it has been a while ask how they are liking their closet and if they had any problems with it or want another one done. Just following up will add a ton of good will.

Every door direct mail (eddm). Comes out to like $0.40 a door with the postcard printing. Go on the post office website and choose areas that match income levels you want to target. Make a couple different post cards to send to different income or house quality areas. You can choose individual routes to base you mailer to. Average response rate is 1%-2% depending on how well you are doing it. Thats a pretty good ROI if you assume 50% of inbound leads you close. Multiple mailings to the same area every few weeks will increase return. Set up a cycle and keep it going.

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