Advice - Incubator asks for 15% stake w/o funding

@dutchvw I guess it depends on how much you value your idea and how much you value a desk and mentor. If a desk and internet connection were going to cost you $100 a week and they're giving you that for a year, then really they're valuing your business at about $35,000 (which probably isn't too bad for a solely a business plan with no actual product or production yet).
@dutchvw I run a non-funding organizational incubator. Such deals are not uncommon though 15% is obscenely high. Negotiate to an equity deal of between 5% and 10% based on what they are offering. Only a room and internet is nothing. If they are also adding servers and putting you in front of VCs while also giving design, marketing, PR and financial and legal help then its fine.

Negotiate this.
@fomor It's not even a room, just a desk and a conference room, internet of course.
No servers or any help thereof in operations, graphic, design, servers, marketing or anything else
@dutchvw Yeah it's ridiculous. Be strong when negotiating and ask for those things. Tell them how easily you can find workspaces nearby and how a strong product finds it's own mentorship.
@dutchvw How much would it cost to enroll in another (easy) class post graduation to maintain access to all this? It sounds like this is all stuff already available to students, could you technically stay a student and use the campus' resources while you build?

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