AMA: Grading our YC app from S20 (raised $24M after)

@angeliqueg I doubt YC has a blanket position against crypto startups. My sense is they are just extra skeptical that there are real businesses to be built here since (a) so much of crypto is macro-dependent on the crypto macro cycle and (b) there is so much grift. If you can communicate in your application that you plan to go about building a crypto startup in the "YC way" (hipping quickly, starting with a small niche, getting users creatively, etc), have credible obsession ("thought more about this than anyone in the world"), and have some progress to show, the I think you'll stand a good chance.

I would avoid an app that looks like:
  • I'm smart
  • I'm really into crypto
  • Payments seems like a good place to get started
@christopherv Once we had a company with >10k monthly active users using CommandBar in production, shit felt real. Messing up had consequences. (This is somewhat unique to our product because we directly interact with our customers' users.)

Started to feel like we had momentum once we crossed 1M end users reached. Just felt like we weren't building in the darkness anymore (i.e. what we were doing was having impact). Honestly that felt much more real than ARR (you can win big deals with some luck and not feel like you're delivering value to justify them). But the user count felt very real.
@cornbreadfed614 I am familiar with Commandbar. Really curious as to what your differentiation was in the beginning. Read your post on how you pivoted into an existing category where today still a lot of players exist. So 2 questions:

1- How did you sell to other companies considering there are a lot of solutions offering the same thing or slightly worse relative to Commandbar?

2- Can you briefly go through your PMF journey (with authenticity if possible)? Would love to hear more about how you understood you should not create a category, focus on existing category, how you talked to customers, how you convinced them to pay etc
@preppednsaved 1 - After we started competing in an existing category (digital adoption) it was hard to get people to pay attention to us relative to bigger companies like WalkMe and Pendo and even smaller ones like Appcues. What we did:

- Insist everywhere possible that we were fundamentally different than what else exists in the market. We don't consider ourselves an "incrementally better" product - we are a different take on the problem space (not untargeted popups, focus on responding to user intent). I think this is the biggest mistake people make when doing this pivot into an existing category. They basically overcorrect the message from "we're something totally new" to "we're something barely new".

- Ask our initial customers of the new product to do reference calls for prospects - we are pretty shameless about this, but it really works. DAP is a pretty established category so we had to do a lot to get companies to trust us instead of incumbents.

- Other than that, just normal marketing stuff to generate awareness - content, etc.

2 - We've had three phases.

- Pre-PMF = during YC, first building our thing. I think we found PMF ~1 year later around when we publicly launched. The idea was pretty much the same throughout this period; we didn't do much pivoting. I think in hindsight we just moved too slow -- too slow to public launch, too meek with intro requests for initial customers, way too quiet on the marketing front.

- PMF* - When we were doing the "category creation" thing we had some serious advocates who were really excited about our product. And they weren't just small potatoes companies - companies like Gusto and Hashicorp. We were able to translate that into real $ and great usage. Honestly, I think a lot of this was just PMF and not tactics. Most customers found us through word-of-mouth, and we didn't have trouble signing $50k+ deals without much negotiation. Growth was good and it powered us to our Series A. The problem as best I can summarize is, was that we felt kind of helpless in sales cycles. Either the prospect "got it" or they didn't, and most sales tactics (case studies, etc) didn't move the needle much on conversion. This wasn't hamstringing growth at this stage but just felt off. Meanwhile, we would get requests from customers to add more functionality to our product that was in line with the digital adoption space. Initially we resisted it because we felt like it was the "old way". But in digging into these features we started to feel like there were some (a) fairly obvious improvements to be made and (b) the primitives we'd built to support our original product (e.g. user segmentation, deploying code to a customer's frontend so that it doesn't slow down their app, etc) would translate really well to a broader product that competed in DAP.

- PMF - The lightbulb went off when we connected these two observations. The feature requests to do DAP stuff were a sign that our customers thought of us as being sort of within the DAP space. And so we figured maybe we could solve our sales challenges by just giving in. It honestly was really hard intellectually to build things we had previously sneered at (for me personally, and also to communicate to the team). It felt like a weird time to pivot when things were going fine, we had a ton of $ in the bank. And per above it took a few quarters to really clearly work (to the point where most of our customers are using us a platform and not just the original product).

I know you asked for authenticity and there isn't much abject failure in the above. I think we were lucky to land on a product that had initial fans with budget. I guess the repeatable lessons here are something like:

- Don't be satisfied with initial PMF

- Feature requests aren't just feature requests --> they are insight into how your customers mentally categorize you

- Most customers like familiar more than totally 100% brand new
They basically overcorrect the message from "we're something totally new" to "we're something barely new".

Thank you very much for the detailed narrative, really enlightening and can't help to see similarities with our journey.

Regarding the above quote:

- You said you should be totally new when pivoting. Do you mean that you categorized yourselves not as a "better solution" but a "completely different" solution instead?

- You ended with customers liking familiar solutions. This contradicts with being "completely different" solution in terms of positioning. Is it correct to assume that you ended somewhere in the middle e.g. merging your different solution with familiar DAP solutions that customers still wanted.
@aspiringpastor96 We were a classic setup: great friends met in college studying computer science, tinkered on projects together. I definitely think we underestimated the work needed to transition from good friends to good cofounders, but we had a long history together and that derisked things for us.
@cornbreadfed614 Thanks a lot! In your experience, when you have a conflict when working on a technical endeavor (a startup, project etc.), how do you go about resolving it? For example, arising from different viewpoints or personalities. What is a general philosophy you follow when doing so?
@cornbreadfed614 Do you think YC was pivotal to gaining $1M ARR? I’m considering creating SaaS products as a solopreneur / lifestyle business and don’t have some grand ambition of building some unicorn with shittons of VC money. Just trying to get a sense how viable that would be. I just want to build a useful product that solves a real problem maybe a couple hundred people could benefit from.
@strange1 >think YC was pivotal to gaining $1M ARR?

Not really no. There is no "special secret sauce" that will allow you to get to $1M ARR faster by doing YC. The closest thing to that is cold outbound to YC founders and hitting them with the borderline-illegal-move: "we're YCW24 and trying to get to our ARR goal by demo day - can you give us a shot?" But honestly I think a non-YC company doing outbound to YC founders would see similar success rates. YC has grown so large that as a SaaS founder I am inundated with outbound from YC companies, so much so that it kinda blends in with the rest of the outbound.

>Just trying to get a sense how viable that would be

In your situation, I'd say YC could benefit you if:
  • You're at all intrigued by the VC-backed / fast-scaling path and want exposure to other companies doing that.
  • You don't have many founder friends and think you could benefit from having a peer group, friendly competition to move faster, etc I just want to build a useful product that solves a real problem maybe a couple hundred people could benefit from.

    I think your head is in the right place. I often caution founders who are in your shoes from doing YC, because from the batch it's easy to get sucked along the VC-backed path and then question whether it was for you, but it's hard to undo once you're there (raised money, hired people, etc). It's by no means impossible, but it doesn't feel good. So I think you should only do YC if you think there's a high likelihood you want to go the VC-backed fast growth path. If you want that, I think it's a no brainer for the cost.
@cornbreadfed614 How did you properly present yourselves in your YC interview? I had an interview for W24 and got nervous when they started pushing us into a corner and I even said I was nervous (I was interviewed by Emmett Shear and was flabbergasted, he chuckled a bit when I said I was nervous). We feel confident we will be able to reinterview but for S24 and I want to be able to present us to the best of our ability.

We had one idea going in and had a burst of virality so we had about 200 first day users for our little toy software. We were told our idea isn’t big enough in their idea so we pivoted to a whole new industry and believe it’s a lot bigger and already have interest again in the product and are hoping to have people use it soon. However when they start asking us questions related to specifics, is there anything there we can better prepare for or acknowledge?

An example was that Diana Hu (our second interviewer) asked us how we handled security on our platform and that wasn’t something we had considered. I came up with a technical solution on the spot but I believe maybe I should’ve been honest and said the truth there.

I know this is a scramble of sentences but I’m at the airport and wanted to ask ASAP for advice on the interview process :) thank you!
@cosmicnotes I've heard of some folks using ChatGPT to prep for YC interviews - maybe we should create a bot that does this. I honestly don't have a great answer for you other than: sit down or go for a walk and write out a huge list of every single question you think someone could ask you in the YC interview. There are probably like 100+ on that list if you've done it right. Then have answers to them. You won't get asked most but it will uncover your weak spots and give you confidence.

If you don't know, I always think acknowledging it is better than flubbing unless you're a really quick thinker.
@cornbreadfed614 Thank you I appreciate the advice! In terms of some of the initial prep I found a GitHub repo with a simulator where you can answer questions and we had an answer for every general question they might ask. I’ll def make a new list for questions specific to us and prepare for that and hopefully this interview batch goes differently :)

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