AMA: Grading our YC app from S20 (raised $24M after)

@cornbreadfed614 How were you able to demonstrate on your application that you know more about your niche than anyone in the world ? Looking back why do you think your application was successful and what would you change now?
@cornbreadfed614 Love this post, thank you for doing this. I have a couple of questions:
  1. Could you share more about your background and how it contributed to your success with YC and finding the right market fit as a founder?
2. How did you meet and choose your co-founder?
  1. Would it be possible to see both your initial YC presentation and your seed stage deck? I'm curious to compare the two.
Edit: just saw your answer to the co-founder question.
@jackwallar1000 > Could you share more about your background and how it contributed to your success with YC and finding the right market fit as a founder?

Only background bullet point that was directly relevant is that we'd been building web apps together as a founding team for a while so I think had a good sense for the pains that are common across different products.

>Would it be possible to see both your initial YC presentation and your seed stage deck? I'm curious to compare the two.

yes! will do a teardown of the seed deck soon :)
@cornbreadfed614 Hi! Thanks for doing this! Really impressed by your start up and congratulations on everything.

My co-founder and I applied for the W24 late batch (only 10 spots) with just an idea (no product), but we had a demo of what it would look like (B2B SaaS). We didn't get in but we were told that we were among the strongest applications and were encouraged to apply for the next batch. We are planning to apply to the next batch - my question is: should we apply right away when the app opens (i think they have an early app/deadline sometimes?) or should we wait til the actual hard deadline? I'm asking because if we apply early, we might not have any product by then, but if we apply later, we might have something to show (i.e. product and maybe some users).

Just wondering if the decision to apply early affects chances of getting in or not (i know you can also 'update' your app on the site)...

Thanks again!
@lastounceofhope Apply when you feel it's better for your startup. If you think your application will be stronger with your product ready then apply when your product is ready.

I don't think YC is first come, first served. You won't harm your application by applying by the deadline (or even after if your startup is awesome).

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