AMA: I don't know who needs to hear this, but you made the right decision to go on your own!

@rdk2012 Don’t listen to the people telling you to quit your job… we also do almost 1m a year, same margin (30%). I don’t think people understand that cashflow is a HUGE issue and lead times can be long. Most our money goes back into growing the business, not into our pockets.
@rdk2012 I suspect you would have 400% growth (or more) instead of 200%.

Then you’d hire a helper and they would be crushing it. Next thing you know you are on here posting about having ten employees. Then you are selling it to some multi conglomerate and moving to the Bahamas.

Meh…. That aside… I don’t know your situation but there is probably always a low six figure job you could get if it didnt work out.
@rdk2012 This is awesome! Good on you. I'm on my own journey, 16 months in and boy is it a slog. Will keep at it. I'll google this also but what do you know now about SEO and double account method that you wish you knew before... or, if you were to learn it now, where would you start?
@613jono To keep it simple, seo stands for search engine optimization and it’s the work done on the website that allows your website to show up when people “Google you” or something you sell
@rdk2012 Well done!

There are 2 things that I absolutely love about your journey:
  1. Bootstrapped
  2. Learner skills as and when you needed them.
I hope people realise from this that you do not need to have mastered every skill.
@rdk2012 Thanks for the encouragement! I quit a six-figure day job and started a business with a partner. We're 2 weeks in, but we've both built careers in our industry for nearly 20 years. It's a bit scary and super exciting!
@franknelson I went through the “imposter syndrome” phase as well as the “this can’t be real” phase and they lasted a few months each. Talking to a lawyer is what really calmed my nerves.

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