Any good ideas to find volunteers for a Proof of Concept?


New member
I’m hoping this post is compliant with the subreddit’s rules. Please let me know or delete it if not.

I am working on a small analog tool meant to assist with habit formation and productivity (emphasis on “analog”), but I’m reaching a point where I need to get a POC test going with some real, honest feedback by volunteers from within my target audience.

Any ideas for good spots to do a call for volunteers online? I looked into some subreddits similar to r/productivity but a lot of them are considering my call for volunteers as self advertising or self promotion.

I could open it up to anybody who will take it, but that could get costly at the risk of not getting much valuable insight, since I’m providing the tool to the volunteers free of charge.

Any thoughts? I appreciate your time and thank you in advance.
@s3r10uschris Hi! Better late than never, right? Thank you for replying either way. I sent you a PM with more info so you can tell me if you are interested in testing the tool 😊

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