Any solo acceptances?

@testoffaith Solo founder, requested early review, until today no email whatsoever.

The only response so far is that PG blocked me in twitter because i made fun of one of his cringey post :D
@testoffaith yc hates solo founders. michael seibel said that in an interview month ago. also in a recent talk with dalton they said "if you are solo it means you failed to convince even one friend so it's a big red flag."
@grubberg Don't agree with that. None of my friends are either technical or into any form of business/entrepreneur mindset. Closest I got is one of them is a car salesman.

Not everyone has friends to launch a startup and I won't give 50% of my business to anyone just to please YC. I get their view, because most people they fund went to ivy schools and studies CS so their friends are in that circle. But where i'm from... There is none of it.
@iris15 Majority of the companies may need/find a co-founder. In my case it’s extremely difficult to find someone who is fit. Also people wait to see you raise money before committing since the market is pretty bad now. Lot’s of lay offs. It really depends on the company and what you do.
@grubberg Sure, that is one way of looking at it. The other case is that the founder is early enough he/she doesn't require a second person on the task.

If it's such a red flag why does YC not make it a strict rule? They even fund some of these solo founders every batch.
@godsholywords sure, if you have built an app with momentum, traction, like 100k users and $1M revenue, they will be happy to ignore red flags.

Given that they accept ~1% of applicants, check the solo founders you mentioned. Most of them are like "I solo-founded the corp, but I outsourced the development to a team of devs".

Being a solo founder reduces your chances from 1% to 0.01%. It's still "possible", but you're more likely get hit by a car
@grubberg I’d loosely agree with this. There’s plenty of communities online. If you don’t find someone in your friend group you should find someone at your school or job you work at. If you don’t have anyone in your work, school or friend group and then also fail with finding someone online, then how good are you with actually networking and trying to achieve your dream? You NEED a team.

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