Anyone know why YC/Garry Tan/ Paul Graham decided to side line Alexis Ohanian (co-founder of reddit)?


New member
Reddit IPO'd yesterday and there have been many talks about this. One that caught people's eye is how Initialised Capital (a VC firm founded by Garry and Alexis) has decided to erase all traces of Alexis' involvement in the firm, considering he founded it with Garry. I also noticed that Paul Graham never mentions Alexis when talking about Reddit but always mentions Steve Huffman.

These two companies were founded by Alexis Ohanian, but they barely mention him.

Silicon Valley seems so brutal and it seems like if you don't dance to their music, they just cut you off completely.
@pmsh I did. The beef seems to be between Initialized/Garry and Alexis, but doesn’t seem Alexis has any beef with YC. He’s been pretty positive about YC and PG as far as I can tell. He’s been sharing a bunch of old emails and advice from PG today.
@pmsh Alexis is living his best life in Florida with his beautiful, successful wife and his daughters. Away from the drama and theater of Silicon Valley. I bet he's grateful to not be involved, I know I would be.
@pmsh He's my idol founder. He founded a successful internet startup, got out with a couple hundred mil before it got nasty and terrible, married a a beautiful woman who's more successful than him, and spends his days praising her on Twitter. Doesn't subscribe to fads, hype, or bro culture
@pmsh A charitable reading is that they were just mentioning those that are currently involved in the latest iteration of Reddit. Alexis was there at the start and he was involved in the exit to Condé Nast. He was on the board a few years ago but not really involved in getting Reddit to IPO.

Steve was very involved in the IPO story as CEO but not Alexis.

The truth is probably a little bit of above but also he can be seen as a bit of a diva by those who work with him (and probably the person at initialised who left him out of the tweet). This is second hand information but I’ve heard that there is a perception that he is concerned with public appearance and looking virtuous rather than solving problems. He also left the Reddit board in a public spat because there was no black prison on the board (a black personal was added subsequently), so that may also be part of it.

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