Best B2C App Distribution Tips and Tricks?


New member
We have 4,000 people on a waitlist for our upcoming B2C app.

Our team has a collective 20 year of consumer marketing but not much with apps.

Beyond A/B different channels to reduce cac & ltv, does anyone have any tips or readings that can help our journey.

Would love any organic marketing tips that could get our first few thousand users.

@hb1431 Here's what I do as a marketing pipeline.

We both know that it is difficult to make a social media page to grow - especially on twitter / X.

Find large accounts that talk about the problem that you solve for your users - in my case specifically, it is financial research.

Follow a bunch of these large accounts and HAVE NOTIFICATIONS turned on!

From a personal account - not the brand's account, make sure to be one of the first comments on this larger creator's post with a screenshot of your product in your comment.

You will then be able to ride the wave of growth from the larger creator's post.

I would also like to hear about how you got 4,000 people on your waitlist though!
@hb1431 Do you have a functioning MVP? I imagine you should ship that and then send an email to those people on your wait list, and it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
@hb1431 With 4k users just build a great product and implement a referral program if you want to be aggressive. A good product with that large of a captive audience would lend itself to great organic growth

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