Billing and CRM System with Custom Logic for Products


New member
Hi r/smallbusiness!

I am trying to help our company move a manual bookkeeping process into something more automated and less error prone. Here is a generalization of the logic I am looking to put into a software solution.

We have products we sell through various third parties. Every third party reseller has their IF/THEN like logic that affects the prices.

IF the buyer from reseller_1 has income > X and product A THEN $A
IF the buyer from reseller_1 has income > Y and product A THEN $B

IF the buyer from the reseller_2 has employee count > Y and buys products > 1 THEN $A
IF the buyer from the reseller_2 has employee count > Z and buys products = 1 THEN $C

Is there any type of software you know of that can support building this product and reseller logic into it? Currently it is all manual in a spreadsheet. Invoicing is not important, but reporting is (or having access to a backend to create our own reports via Tableau).

Thanks for any help!