Braintree boilerplate for nodejs , expressjs and mongodb

@potluck45 I'm so confused. Is this a sample installation, showing a dummy account that made $7? Is this your own financials, showing how you make $7 per billing cycle? I literally have no idea what I'm looking at.

What's with all the green checkboxes? Do pieces sometimes go down, and then you show them missing here?

I couldn't figure out if the startup was supposed to be called "Braintree" or "Fraternate", or if one's the company and the other is the product. Eventually I discovered that there's an existing payment service called "Braintree" (never heard of it before).

Finally I stumbled on the Github link at the bottom. The Github page explains clearly and concisely what the software is and does. Why the heck isn't that the front page?! Or at least make the front page as informative as the repo's README.

Also, if it's all MIT-licensed, how do you plan to get any income? Why wouldn't I just download it and run it on my own server?

(Looking at the code, though, this doesn't look like it's written with the care that I'd trust my breakfast with, much less my money.)
@amandal Thanks for taking the time to look at it , It is very good feedback . Frank concise and to the point. addressing your paragraphs. 1. That is a "display all" from the braintree sandbox , showing testing transactions. 2. The green check boxes are the working to do list 3. The actual point of the site is to duplicate the github team managment system which is very very tricky and intricate , frankly its probably the reason that gthub works and not the code repositry. but ive been testing the reddit response to certain key words and braintree was one I haddent tested yet. I think that use of payment gate way services that are not for wordpress are quite rare and not common knowledge i was informed of another called stripe as well. 4. Also so testing is going on here , I have a comprehensive landing page , and got less through put , but I completely take your point. 5. Frankly I need the subscription platform for another bit of software , and this just just an intemediate step. Free user testing like your comments are the buisness case , and any ad revenue is a bounus. also if some else can use this great.6. Fair point , this is not my actual job , i WILL WORK ON IT
@potluck45 I'd move this: "Designed using a mongodB, NodeJS, expressjs and Handlebarsjs MVC (model view controller)." a bit down on the page. It's details — people are interested in details, a bit later, when they have the whole picture.

Instead of starting with: "Fraternate is a standalone copy of the GitHub user management system" — consider starting with: "Fraternate lets you [...]" and replace '...' with how-Fraternate-is-good-&-useful for the visitor. So people know instantly, from the very first sentence, why the webpage/project is good for them.

Maybe sth like this?: "Fraternate is a user project management system, for NodeJS, that you can use for your own projects, insted of spending time building your own. It's modeled on the GitHub project management system [...] " — then instantly (right?) people will know how it's good for them :- )

Hmm. This looks better: — why did you like to the
page insted? :- )

Actually, to me, the website is a bit unclear: it looks more like a free & open-source not-for-profit project to me. Doesn't look like a company / business that lets me pay & buy anything. Still you posted here in roast-my-startup? I feel a bit confused :- )