Bring it on people, roast us to a crisp


New member
We are a startup where the founders are past their prime anyways.

you can find our website here
  • The Product - It is a service not a product - Home Inspections
  • The market - Primary and Secondary realestate markets in India which is expected to reach 182 Billion USD by 2020
  • Product Analysis - Again we provide a service not a product, our competition is fragmented essentially and un-organised
  • What stage are we in - we are at PRE-MONEY. Cash flow positive
  • Customer Conversion Strategy - scare them and convert them, joking aside. India has a new regulation RERA which helps us greatly. Apart from that our cost of customer acquisition is rather high as we have to educate them of their rights
  • Why us - The sister concern has been in the field of PMC for over 30 years so we know the ins and outs of the business
thank you.
We are a startup where the founders are past their prime anyways.

W ...T ...F-ing F. This really sets the guillotine stage.

you can find our website here

You know I hated you before you made me click and now, not falling in love here. You have to admire the chutzpah.

Click. And fuck me sideways. PDF. And A carousel. Both are absolute no-nos on opposite sides of the interaction spectrum. Impressive as that is, not in any good way.

PDF: Unfit for Human Consumption Is Jacob Nielsen even still alive?

Kill Conversion Killing Carousels Now Well you can't actually kill a caousel. Designers are something entirely different in so many promising ways.

This many issues so early says cut bait and run.
@jennygeddes The website is really really bad. But this sub is not called roast my website.
There's nothing wrong with home inspections as a business. I don't know how the market is in India, but in the US it's dominated by solopreneurs because there is a low barrier to entry and is difficult to systematize.

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