Do signs really bring in leads that close?

@mooke147 I haven’t seen those types of signs work.

Yard signs, sure. If you follow up in the neighborhood with door to door sales.

Seems like random sign money would be better spent on Google ads. When people are searching for solutions.
@craigp On the contrary, signs absolutely got my business off the ground. First 25 signs did several thousand in revenue. They are still very effective for me.
@robloxgod1337 Highway exits in the grass where they're stuck at the light, occasionally empty lots or department stores that I can see rarely get their grass mowed, and in completed customers' yards with their quick permission.
@riley88 What resources am I wasting? I'm advertising my business by placing small signs at highway exits or in customers' yards with their permission. My business also literally is a service that benefits the community. The signs get recycled if disposed of properly, or many of them I just pick back up and re-use later.
@mooke147 I own a shop where we work on euro brands and I got some big flags with the brands out front and it seemed to help. I guess all depends on placement but it’s an easy way to market.

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