Budget recommendations and action plan for SEO journey for a brand new website

Hi All,

I am working on building a tech job interview prep (B2C) website. The website is live but is still WIP. I want to focus on SEO efforts from now to get to a point where I can get 20000 monthly organic visits from USA, 1 minute and other health metrics by the end of the year. I have come with these numbers based on my experience, some competitors analysis and my goals towards where do I want the website to be.

I ran a crypto blog previously but didn’t really scale it (200 Peak DAU). This time around, I hope to have a better outcome.

My questions are:
  1. What should be my total monthly budget for SEO including technical, offpage, on page, and content production should be so that I get to 20K monthly organic visits by the end of the year?
  2. Would SEO agencies work on the outcome driven plan when I am willing to work with them on a pre-decided budget but compensate them partly when a milestone is reached? e.g. targeting W-o-W growth by 5% till we get to 20K monthly organic visits. The actual number could be higher or lower.

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