Built a tool for tracking convos relevant to certain keywords for myself, Opening it up


New member
Hey everyone, since few weeks I've been trying to reply to relevant conversations around my product and interacting with those to build credibility for my product and get high-intent users and it's working really well.

But, tbh it takes too much time to search socials (Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) every day so I built a simple tool that sends you only highly relevant posts over email, WhatsApp, or Telegram.

It's like an F5 bot but for more socials (FB, LI, X, and Reddit) and only sends highly relevant posts eliminating the noise.

I am opening it for everyone now, just fill out the form below and I will start sending posts within 24 hours.

Form link - https://tally.so/r/wLbaPO

I would be glad to have your feedback :)
@drita That sounds like a cool product! How does it compare to kwatch.io? They also propose keyword monitoring on Reddit, Twitter, Linkedin... and it works very well (but they don't seem propose Whatsapp and Telegram alerts).

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