Can’t get any leads

I am trying to get companies to have conversations with me. I am building HR related products. I emailed a lot of people 200+ and dm on LinkedIn a lot as well but I don’t get a single reply. I am not asking for anything except a small 1 min survey feedback. How do I attract potential customers to just talk to me about the problem they may be facing? Am I missing something?
@needsafriendtochatto Don’t go into HR tech unless you’re intimately familiar with this field. HR is a cost center and HR Tech is the cost center of a cost center. There’s no money to spend here unless you know you’re solving a huge pain.
@needsafriendtochatto Issues from employees are not a concern of HR in reality, it just sounds like what they should care about and might be in some pretty words but they don't get to do stuff for employees.

Anything done for employees might only be interesting if it helps hiring when hiring is on the hard part of the cycle, your timing might be off for that.

Not everything that is good makes a good business offer, there are many fake problems with reverse incentives that would keep them unsolved.

You might find an ear with small growing companies that are just building these parts of the org if you can show you'r valuable by doing your market research and offering consult on what interests them rather than what interests you
@needsafriendtochatto It’s a bad email. You don’t get worthwhile advisors by sending out generic emails. You won’t get any advisors with that email.

You want an advisor then you should find someone, read all their blog posts, find out lots about them, figure out how to start a worthwhile convo with them without sounding like a stalker.
@needsafriendtochatto 200 is not "a lot of people" I think you need to get your metrics right.

Email you'll need to email 10000+ people for any chance of traction.

I can CHAT on social with 200 people in 1 week. That's how small that number is.

Multiply it and also don't keep doing the same of what doesn't work, A/B test different messages until you get replies.

Done wrong = no response

Done right = you get responses
@needsafriendtochatto Be creative with it. Write a post which is not related to your project. Make relations eventally ask people for a meet. If you made ur app just post like you stumbled upon this app and ask doubts about this app or tgeir thoughts on this app etc.