Can I create your company's product promo video for ✨free✨?


New member
I run - a video production service for SaaS companies.

In 2022 we helped three growing startups by creating their explainer videos for free.

In 2023 planned on creating 12 videos for 12 amazing companies for ✨ free ✨ (about $3k in value/video)

So if you want us to create a video for you for free this January, here's what you have to do:

Drop a comment with:
  • The name of your Company/Project
  • Few words about your business
  • Other details that you might like us to consider
  • Connect with my co-founder on Twitter (she will pick the winner) -
That's it!We will choose the winner at the end of the month. 🏆

Previous winners:
Excited to hear about your company!
@nnalezah299 I am very interested, my product in its final testing phase and launch is expected after a month, I can send a private invite to view the app if selected!
Name : Circulife
Description: imagine if you can see your life as a circle with 6 categories.
And your job is to balance your life and keep the circle, well a circle. Try to find balance between your work- your health and spirit.
And track your habits, moods and tasks.
I am very excited about this app.
If I got selected we can discuss more in details and we can collaborate and give a sample account to try the premium features as well.
@nnalezah299 I just checked the videos and look amazing.

•The name of your Company/Project
I'm the single developer of AutoZen app

About my app:
AutoZen is a quality replacement for Android auto, car play or several car infotainment. The goal of AutoZen is to offer a great navigation with extra options, driving and texting can be dangerous, that's why I created this app to have everything in a tap of a screen offering a lot of options and smooth experience. Some of the features are
* Turn by turn navigation
* Speed cameras
*Speed limits
*Voice assistant
* Receive messages from Whatsapp, fb, slack and more, with the possibility to read out loud and be able to reply by voice
* Phone dialer
*Music player control
* Custom launcher (with Android widgets and more options)
And more.
Thanks for the opportunity.
@nnalezah299 I recently made a couple of my own that are very crude, but at least i have something.

I have two target markets b2b service providers and businesses that hire them. I could potentially use a video aimed at those businesses since i don't have one for them yet. Or a more professional version of what I already made for the service providers.
@nnalezah299 Nice idea. Here is my project.

Instant Answers:
Create a chatbot from your content, embed it on your website, and answer any questions in real time.
The most popular use case is customer support automation, but it has several more, like upload complex documents, and get answers, summarize, get highlights, etc. Alos usefully as a internal chat support of a company.
@nnalezah299 The name of your Company/Project:


Few words about your business:

Sharing boring businesses online and inspire more founders!

Other details that you might like us to consider:

we grow fast on twitter and would love to collaborate.
@nnalezah299 Awesome. Love the look of your videos. This would be great for us. Scaling user onboarding is our biggest challenge right now. Looking to solve this with a great demo video.

I'm building Satori—a platform helping coaches to flourish in business.

There are many amazing coaches who love supporting their clients, but struggle to grow their business due to lack of systems and support.

Our platform provides an streamlined process for building programs, engaging clients, scheduling sessions and delivering coaching; helping coaches save time, empower clients and achieve more consistent results.

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