Co-founder Fit – find your ideal co-founder


New member
I was playing around with Custom GPTs and made one that helps you find an ideal co-founder. It asks you 10 questions compiled by Y Combinator and then evaluates your compatibility with other potential co-founders. Best part? It has long-term memory, so you can answer questions once and then check your compatibility with others multiple times, anytime. I know it was more of a 'nerdy' part rather than 'best'. Anyway, check it out and let me know what you think!

Inspired by the Co-founder Matching platform by Catheryn Li and the team.
@fr33indeed I appreciate you want to try to build something useful but I think you should be very upfront about the fact that the GPT is using Zapier to save the data to a Google sheet

The co-founder matching question can contain sensitive information, if I recall correctly one is "what is your financial situation" and having this kind of info stored in someone's GDrive is not ideal

Tons of startup use GDrive as database (and obvs they shouldn't) to start quickly but this is just a random tool on the internet

I'm sure you have all the best intentions in the world but when dealing with sensitive information you should put a big disclaimer on where the info goes