Co founder fraud

@mrassassin777 To be fair, this kind of behavior is recommended by many VCs including YC. First Round Capital put out a PMF blog a few days ago in which one of their early founder stories directly described fraud to get early customers. Many startups engage in fraud early in their lives.
@umbrabates So you’re saying he has FAANG listed on his LinkedIn and the person you chose to verify with was the reference he provided you?

I’m guessing you haven’t known him personally for long?
@ansres If you’re pursuing an investment of $500K, it absolutely is his job to validate his cofounder….because clearly if you don’t you run into predicament as his. If you’re not going to validate your cofounder, how are you going to validate anyone else who wants to work for/with you? Why should anyone trust your judgement?

It’s possible to have both great founder dynamic and extensive vetting.
@lillian2014 And that’s absolutely fine, We all make mistakes and the best of the founders would learn from it and keep going at it. YC has seen all kinds of shits there can be among the founders and it’s always better to be open with them about the situation.
@umbrabates Looks like you are saying the story for more attention than actually seeking advice. If you have lawyers lined up, all leverage, all equity, vcs and angels then what are you worrying about. Even if you get in YC, you are not taking the person.