Components of a professional website


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A website is a set of pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization

We have 3 types of a website namely
  1. Static
  2. Dynamic or CMS
  3. E-commerce
A CMS ( Content management system ) Is an Application that is used to manage content, allowing multiple contributions to create, edit and publish.

Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates like a website.

Examples of CMS
  1. WordPress.
  2. Joomla.
  3. Drupal
  4. Adobe Commerce Powered by Magento.
  5. Squarespace
  6. Wix
  7. Shopify
WordPress is by far the most popular content management system, to have a WordPress website we need 5 things which are.
  1. Domain
  2. Hosting
  3. Theme
  4. Functionality
  5. Content
A bit more descriptive way to think of these components might be:

Domain = your web address ( It’s similar to your mailing address. But for your website.

Hosting = where your site “lives” on a web server – your digital real estate.

Theme = look and feel, the general design of your site

Plugins = functionality; the ability to do stuff (i.e. email list opt-ins, contact forms, eCommerce, etc.)

Content = your message, purpose, call(s) to action.

Those five elements are the meat and potatoes of any WordPress website.
@talita The website is quite impressive.

The performance and the page loading speed are fine.

Just I am not okay with the layout design but that is your choice, so all is fine

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