CoronaTracker - Latest news & updates on 2019-nCoV by hundreds of volunteer professionals


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I joined a volunteer community comprised of medical experts, data scientists, IT professionals etc, working on developing platform to curate trusted information on recent 2019-nCoV outbreak.

You can visit to get informed with the latest updates on nCoV.

This side project is quite an insane experience for me, hacking an app from scratch as a self-learn programmer. Let me know if you have any suggestion/comment on my work! :)

Android app link:
@thedog1 I like it. News aggregator is a great feature.

I think you should expand the regions beyond Malaysia, as this has already hit the individual provinces of China, and is likely to hit other countries in SE asia, and other provinces in India much harder.
@garricko I feel that Google play and Apple store are heavily censoring any coronavirus related apps from their marketplaces in an effort to curb disinformation. This is regrettable though since the project is a legit effort by global volunteers. Hope it gets back on the app stores soon.

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