Customer says I broke their pool pump but I don’t think I did. What the F do I do?

So... customer says I broke their pool pump. I had to run hoses on their pool deck and my hoses got tangled on their pool vacuum thing so I just unattached the pool vacuum and reattached it when I was done. Now they are saying their pool pump is broken and they want me to replace it. I have done this prob 20 times in the last 2.5 yrs (unattached a pool vacuum from the suction thing on the pool wall) with no issues. Now this guy is saying i broke his pump. Idk wtf to do. Dude is blowing up my phone. I’m supposed to be going to eat with family tonight. Idk if I should tell him I’ll call him tomo or what.
@chrissyhannah538 If you let air into the system when you removed the vacuum and didn't properly bleed it out, you can cause the pump to run dry, overheat, and burn out. It's not always as simple as just plugging the hose back in unfortunately.
@chrissyhannah538 Just take his call and tell him you’ll come over to inspect it and that you’re happy to make it right if it was your fault. Call your insurance company and ask them to make a claim. Honestly, if you tell your client that you’ll make it right ASAP then he’ll have some piece of mind. He’s probably just freaking out and just wants a call acknowledging that you’re on it and will make it right. Your insurance should cover it if it wasn’t gross negligence.
@chrissyhannah538 thats not how a pool vacuum works. It is a pressure side vacuum. The pump pushes water into the polaris not pulls.

The polaris is designed to be disconnected at any time and there is nothing special that needs to be done.

Im not sure I fully understand what you are talking about but if I have it right you didnt do anything that could damage the pump

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