Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

@shaniboek There was a lot of these 5 years ago.
COVID easily 10x’d them. AI craze took it even further.

I can go to multiple apps, and for $300 get everything you just offered including FaceTime consulting.
I can go to even more apps and get everything BUT consulting for free.

I can also go to one of my many local gyms and get this for less than you’re charging. With someone local.

While I think this could work if you focus on it and build a network this…. Is unfortunately not a new idea at all.

While I say go for it if you’re passioned, and this could be a $1M business, it will take lots of work.

And just to offer - I am your “ideal buyer”. And I eye roll at this “busy professional” pitch.
@dbog They idea behind this is that the difference is this offers a guarantee while all those places you mentioned require a high risk on the customer. This would in theory minimize that risk- hence, making it more attractive of an offer.

Thank you for your feedback.
@shaniboek I made a lot of guarantees within my business field, get ready to give money back and you can’t forecast. They are okay if short, but I would have no guarantee over a month. In the people business don’t guarantee, the product business is a different story
@shaniboek I have many friends that are trainers and their biggest complaint is that these wealthy/busy clients expect you to do the work for them. They’re expecting to buy a fit body. They dont want to do a workout on their own, they want someone there in person pushing them for EVERY workout. But my friends complain that even with 1 on 1 training they half ass everything and talk most of the time.
@ivymeow Wow great insight. Didn’t cross my mind, although it probably should’ve. Couldn’t you argue that there are busy professionals out there willing to put in the work though (ie they want it bad enough)?
@shaniboek Well many of them are stay at home wives spending their hubbys money. And to them having a trainer is more of a status flex than a service they use to its full potential.
@shaniboek From what you describe, its dime-a-dozen, dont see any unique aspect at all. ideas aren't worth anything anyways, its in the execution. so go test it, hedge your risks, and you'll find out.
@shaniboek I mean a guarantee is honestly nothing. This is not Tommy Boy. And it’s a whole legal mumbo jumbo. And you certainly aren’t the first exercise business that had a guarantee
@shaniboek 90% of people fail at diet and fitness plans. Why do you want to give them an additional financial incentive to fail? I just don't understand how you'll monitor their diet 24/7. People will cheat and still want a refund. I would rather have a positive incentive. "complete the program and get a 20% refund.

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