Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

@shaniboek There are a million free diet plans, nothing of value there.

There are a million fitness coaches, most of whom are either there in person or have some significant draw that makes people want their expertise. And the cost for one weekly session with them is way cheaper. Nothing of value there.

Then there’s the “guarantee.” This is essentially worthless for both you and the consumer. For you because no one is going to follow your diet and exercise regime closely. I’ve seen all your comments about how all your clients are just gonna really want it so bad they’ll conform perfectly! That’s laughably naive and unrealistic. But there’s also no value to the consumer because if they’re actually the kind of disciplined and dedicated person that’s going to make solid gains in a short time some diet plan pulled from the ass of a person without any qualifications (you’re not a registered dietician I’m assuming) and a single measly video call have no value whatsoever.
@shaniboek Well... Your attention is towards "professionals that don't have time" so keep using time as coin, forget about giving money back or a free month, because that's money, and you are not trying to fix their money problem, you are fixing their time problem.

Try no to get confused about your own vision. - Money solves money, time solves time. - Unconsciously we know our problem and we also know the solution, we just need someone to "remember" us about how to fix it, and that's what great sales people do.

The concept is simple: you are against something and in favor of other thing. In your case it could be that you are in favor of prioritizing your health and quality of life over other kinds of activities. Remember that you are the professional, not the client, you understand about health and that's why they are paying you. Don't try to say the "right thing" to your clients just to get their money. Be strict. "I only work with serious professionals that even though they think that they don't have enough time to exercise, are willing to do what I say in order to obtain X, Y and Z results."

That's just an example but the core idea remains the same. If you want to understand more feel free to DM me. Thank you for sharing your business idea.
@shaniboek Do you have any proof of concept? How are you going to actually get people to do anything? Providing a plan and a weekly coaching call is not likely to inspire a real, significant change.
@jennie1980 My theory is

People that want something bad enough + great program that inspires = success. You obviously can’t force anyone to exercise. this would be for people that already want to get in shape.
@shaniboek In its current form, I don’t think it’s a $1m idea as others have said. I have a contact in my phone in my small town that does exactly what you’re talking about with a hyper local focus.

After talking with him in person, I did learn some about the full extent of his idea which I think shows some promise. He’s also in ‘mozi nation too.

Women comprise a large part of his client base more than men, so that’s something to consider for tailoring and marketing. He also had a great idea about providing food, so he’s making contacts with local farmers to source good quality meat and produce, then meal plan for them. Nobody in my area is doing that part of it.

Chris Guillebeau has the best advice for your situation I think. Don’t try to monetize your hobby, rather create something that enhances it and monetize that. It’ll keep you from ruining something you love.
@shaniboek How about you offer a 6 week workout plan that includes a doctor to prescribe pharmaceutical level juice to help your busy clients that “don’t have time” then they can eat whatever they’d like and still get a nice body at the end of the 6 weeks
@shaniboek Lulz. You’re not the first / only person to offer this. Most of them have a boon of sales, and then as soon as people start requesting refunds, they claim bankruptcy.

You want to hear it straight or not.

Could you be different, but if you’re coming on Reddit for validation instead of testing it, then you’ve already lost.
under the contingency that they attend all sessions, compliant, and follow the diet and workout plan

Your contingency completely blows it all away. Yes you're talking about following the laws of physics but on first reading it becomes obvious that the guarantee is meaningless because there is nothing either party can do to prove they are right. The only value is someone reading does know that you're at least willing to offer a guarantee.

But let's actually look at the issue. You've alrady said what the charateristic of your customer is.

busy professionals that “don’t have time” to go to the gym

You're making an offer for these people and the first thing they're required to do is that they attend all sessions. You're identifying a customer pain point and making that as the problem you're going to solve but your solution does nothing to solve that problem. So how are you solving the "do not have time" problem?
Offer a 6 week workout plan tailored for busy professionals that “don’t have time”

This exists. The thing about fitness programs is that you are not selling the program, you are selling YOURSELF. If you're unknown or don't have impressive credentials, you won't make sales. Start building a reputation on YT, IG, TikTok, etc. and you might have a chance.

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