Drop Servicing Q&A: How Do I Find My Niche?


New member
Here is another Q&A video where I answer business questions sent in from you guys to our Facebook group, Instagram account, and Youtube Channel.

Today we’re going to give you the answers to the following questions:
  1. Is it profitable to select sub-niches in Logo Design if they have good search volume?
  2. Do you think it would be more beneficial to get on a call or email conversation instead of asking them to buy it straight?
  3. How to find different niches
  4. Will a funnel like Kartra or Click funnel suffice the business model for beginners?
  5. How to get stared without any portfolio?
  6. What are some ways of getting clients?
  7. How to get clients without using ads?
  8. Should we add money back guarantee to our sales funnel?
  9. Can we make a Drop servicing website on shopify?
  10. Refund? What if a client is unsatisfied?
  11. How is Drop servicing different from SMMA or a digital agency?

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