E-commerce update; 25k to 50k

@skyybluegirl Post your graphs, black out what’s personalized.

This will give you credibility and will employ more conversation rather than doubt.

I’d love to see your Shopify graphs. What category are you in?
@skyybluegirl Honestly I’m proud of you for sticking with it and as a fellow dad it’s inspiring. I’m tired of compromising time with my family I’ll never get back so that I can build others’ dreams.

I’m honestly also surprised you stuck with it given how few replies you got on your previous post. But damn dude rock on and I hope to see more updates where you go up and up!
@skyybluegirl Congrats man. Love to hear stories like this.

But I don't think you'll make $10k from this. No, I think you can take this to $50k in income or more if you really want to.

Once the door starts opening it's up to you how far you want to take it.
@deaconpete It might sound like bad advice, but business credit cards. Most give you no interest for a year (at least for me). Use that purchase assets (inventory) and see if they sell. Even items that did not move fast, I was still able to get rid of them and pay off the debt. You gotta be willing to take risks, buy things and if they sell them great, buy more. If they don't sell, move on.
@skyybluegirl Thanks for posting an actual real story on this sub.

Business CCs are an interesting option for derisking inventory in the short term. I would imagine that this wasn't recently though as interest rates are much higher now...

Also, would be interested to know how you're handling marketing? No need to tell us what the niche product is, but are you using Meta, Google ads, etc. or mainly relying on other channels?
@madotsukiinthenexus I don't use ads at all. Zero.

I went out to trade shows and events and made customers. I shook hands, went to lunch, took pictures, tagged people, tagged their friends. I did that for a year. From there, the orders started to climb. I post daily on social media to keep customers engaged. I still go to trade shows every month or so. Ads don't do it for me. I find Ads annoying. I want to build confidence with customers
@skyybluegirl I mean that's not necessarily true. Ads can be quite good for building awareness and can be really effective, especially if your company is small and unknown in the sector and if you're in e-commerce as people can easily click over and make a purchase.

I wouldn't discount them entirely. You just need to work the costs into your margin.

Think of them basically as an automated salesperson that costs you a certain margin for each sale. That's the basic logic behind calculating your CPA (cost per acquisition) for each sale.

Say Google, or Insta or whatever ends up charging you $45 dollars for a sale, but the total for the sale was $150 and your margin is 50%, you would net $30 in profit for basically doing nothing.

And the interesting thing is that because you're already producing your own content on your socials, you can basically just reuse the most engaging content and repurpose them as ads. You'll just have to figure out what demo you want to target (which you should have a good idea of anyways) and then pay to show them the ads.
@skyybluegirl Like I said, it's all about just working the cost into your margin.

Many businesses "make less" on purchases because they have small margins but have a huge sales volume, which results in more profit overall. Think about it that way.