Experiencing a sudden drop in views on Instagram. Any insights or similar experiences?

Hello there. Two weeks ago, I created a new Instagram account and began uploading video editing tutorials. Initially, the videos received decent views, but as you can see, the views drastically decreased on my last two videos. Here's the timeline of the views:

1st video: 1315 views, 2nd video: 160 views, 3rd video: 193 views, 4th video: 1511 views, 5th video: 133 views, 6th video: 206 views, 7th video: 6 views, 8th video: 3 views

I used the same hashtags for all of my videos. I even tried deleting these two and reuploading them with new hashtags, changed the thumbnail, and updated the description, but nothing changed. I thought I needed to wait a little longer, giving them time, but after 3-4 days, the views didn't change. My account doesn't have any restrictions; I checked on "My account status," and everything looks good. Have any of you experienced something similar, or do you have any ideas about why this might be happening? Here is an image of the views: LINK
@caralinewaterfalls Using the same hashtags for every video can sometimes limit your reach. Try varying your hashtags and include some that are trending or more specific to each video’s content. I've used Boost App Social for effective hashtag strategies and to enhance my content’s appeal.

Also, consider engaging more with your audience through comments or Instagram stories to increase your account's activity. Have you tried posting at different times of the day to see if that impacts your views?
@dan_ Hey, thanks for the advice. Yes, I've tried all of these things, but it seems that nothing works. Whatever I do, it's like Instagram is not showing the videos to anybody. I don't know what to do anymore.