Feedback on my business, a PC game store:


New member
Hello all,

I started my business ( back in January 2015, and things are annoyingly slow.

I am a one man band. 21, soon 22, and this is my first business and not having any formal business education. All of which has been through books (4 hour work week, Contagious) and online school (

I am unsure whether it is my habits (not posting online enough, or creating content daily and sticking to plans), something I am not understanding about the website (viruses, not enough games or simply not enough trust / rapport), or something completely else. But my business is not working because my plan is not sound- I am missing something. I am not letting a temporary defeat turn into a permanent failure.

You can see my condensed plan of action here:£2000000 Plan.pdf

What the site does: downloadable games that can be played and redeemed on gaming servers. I do not host the games, all I do is sell the keys on an individual basis to customers.

What I am doing: I realised that people buy from people, and not so much brands, logos and such, so I aimed to have a more personal appeal on social media mainly Youtube.

1) I have a daily podcast called: Daily Dev Talk. Which can be viewed here:
I am interviewing developers (I too am a developer) to be seen as an authority in the games industry. Network with other game developers. Potential to get free codes from game developers that can be used on social media as regards to competitions. Also getting free games that can be legally monetized on youtube. The videos are also posted on youtube:

2) Active Youtube: infrequent videos about me commenting on industry events, scandals and releases. So I am keeping up with the industry. Being perceived in industry as a social commentator. Showcasing gameplay briefly from games I got from developers. Also, this builds reputation and trust so people can buy from me because I am talking to them directly and they can put a face to the name. And it is a way to advertise directly and indirectly in the video (15 second advert etc).

3) Affiliate programs with other gaming channels: where they adovcate my business at the start of their video for 15 seconds and for every person that buys a game from me via their channels using their discount code (so I can measure how many people are buying via that channel).

4) Active on social media: content marketing. Things that are interesting, relevant etc to the consumer and to stir up word of mouth.
I am planning on doing a weekly competition via twitter (#FreeCodeFriday) and giving away the codes from the developers that I interviewed, thus giving away games, earning trust and building rapport and facilitating reciprocity from the people I am giving the games away to. I also have a weekly video (Shout Out Sunday) where I advocate 5 more gaming youtube channels (they are my customers too) and plan on giving away codes via those videos too.

So, as of 17th August things are very slow. It is annoyingly slow. I do not know what to do. I have ideas what to do and realise it is about habit of doing things and not giving up. But what is happening? Why so slow? Something I am missing? Something I am forgetting? What can I do?

What do you think?

Adrian Nantchev
Game Overload
@natlyn Hi Adiran,

Good job coming up with an idea, and giving it a go. You've clearly put a lot of work in.

The website is slow to load for me, is that usual to get a buffer thing between pages?

Why would I go to your sight over any of the others, namely amazon, game, hec even tesco? Maybe I've misunderstood the concept.

Your strength sounds like its in everything else you are doing, rather than the site itself. You clearly know the industry a bit and are interested in it, thats what you've gained traction in so persue it, become a commentator, writer and developer. How does your cashflow forecast and balance sheet look right now? I feel like trying to drive the traffic this concept requires will be a money pit for you.

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